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Husnain Naz Member
Hello Niven,

from yesterday i am trying to reach you over the live chat but couldn't could you please logon to my desktop and check what i am doing wrong.

Many Thanks,
Posted: December 14, 2010 6:22 AM
yeah great. could you please mark it as an answer..This is exactly what i need.

Many Thanks,
Posted: December 14, 2010 4:43 AM

Hello Handy,

Can you please send me this application with framework 2.0 support. I have vs2008 and i am using FW 2

Many thanks and waiting


Hello Niven,

I am enclosing the sample with this message. I just added two new fields in the Event Table called (String  Branch, String Outlet). That's it and i follow the same EventOrganizer.aspx method.

Could you please check what i am missing.

Many Thanks,


Hello Navien,

Thanks for the great help, Yes its working perfectly except one issue. Once I close the application and ropen it and try to edit any of my meeting. The system is not brining those two newly added fields. Its adding fine and while i am in the session i am able to see those two fields and edit them but once i close the application and rerun it.. the system is not bringing those two fields.

I checked in the dataase its updating fine.

Please advise what i have to check and guide me

Many Thankks
Posted: December 13, 2010 6:39 AM

Dear Handy,

Thank you so much for the great response. Is this application if the Parameter is in difference in number.

I have two managers. One manager is having 4 employees working under him and one manager is having 3 employees working under him and each and everyone want to see the schedule of his employees. It can be implemented at run time. i mean can i pass the paramater at runtime. The query which i was trying is something like that

SELECT ID, ResourceName, Description, Location, ResourceColor
FROM Resources

If i pass one parameter it works file but i can't pass more then one parameter in it. Could you please advise what is the best approach to achieve what i am looking. I have a login. As far as the person logon i am getting a string of resource working under him like 2,3,5,7 or 1,4,6 etc...

Please guide me how to pass the query at runtime..

Many Thanks,

Posted: December 11, 2010 10:22 AM
Hello Handy,

Thanks for the great help. This is exactly what i am looking for but i want to display more then one resources,  if i change the session parameter to obtain the group of ids, means my manager want to see all his employees schedule. this is very important for me. please guide

Many Thanks,
Hello, I think the file was not uploaded perfectly before so i uploaded again.

Dear Niven,

Thanks for your reply and sorry for the late response. Yes when we press F4 and the property window open i am unable to find those two newly added fields to map them. i am also enclosing the screenshot with this message.

Many Thanks,
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