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Karl Costenbader Member
We have tried this and it does work. Our previous attempt had the style in the head element, which did not work.
Thank you for the fix.
I'm sorry, but I honestly don't have time for all of this back and forth.

Every single time I report an issue to your company, it seems like the strategy is to keep delaying or requesting info until we give up.

I have attached a zipped version of the file. It is very important that you do not have compatibility view in IE 11 turned on when you view the sample on Win 8.1.

Please, please, please ask your development team under what circumstances the DefChkBox is rendered at 11px. If you are unwilling or unable to do this, I would be happy to look at the grid's source code to determine this information myself. I know it is in the grid DLL and I know that it is being used under some circumstances.

As I stated in the initial problem report, the only platform we are experiencing this in is Windows 8.1 running IE11.

As for not assuming the style was included in webgrid, I have shown the screenshot that shows it WAS used and can 100% confirm that we have absolutely no reference whatsoever in any of our code, web pages, or CSS files that contains any reference at all to DefChkBox.

Therefore, this definition MUST be coming from webgrid.

My time is very valuable and the continuous questioning of my findings is a waste of this valuable time. Please escalate this to development since you clearly do not know the answer as I do not wish to provide the same information yet again.

We don't use any of the builtin intersoft styles. We just specify the style directly in the grid:


As for trying important, as I stated in the previous email we have tried overriding with our own style in many, many different locations (css, page, codebehind) and it did not work.

The DefChkBox IS coming from webgrid. I have attached a screenshot of the F12 developer tools that shows the source as webresource (which is yours) and I have clearly shown that the 11px!important is DIRECTLY in the webgrid.dll.

The version we are using is 8.0.7200.258. We have checked to see if there are any available updates using Update Manager and there are none available.

I'm sorry, but your statement is incorrect. The following was copied directly from a full-text search of IsNet.webui.webgrid.dll:

height: 11px!important;

I have attached the screenshot of the search results.

Since your code has already provided the !important flag, we cannot override it with our own !important flag (we have tried numerous approaches to this, none of which work).

This is why we are asking for information and changes.
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