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James Member
of 14


Okay, it seems like initializing the column property during Export event is too late. I guess that's because the data source is already populated and bound in that event.

Try to set the column property in InitializePostBack event. See the code below.

void WebGrid1_InitializePostBack(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.PostbackEventArgs e)
    if (e.Action == PostBackAction.Export)
         WebGrid1.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("AccountGroupText").GroupRowInfoFormat = "[value]"

Hope this helps,


Xedem, I don't think the Grid has anything to do with jQuery controls. If you changed the doctype from XHTML to HTML, it could be the cause. Otherwise, please post a simple sample that reproduce the issue.


It's actually possible to show the text during exporting instead of the value. You can set the EnableValueList property of the export's argument to true during Export event.

Here's the sample codes:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        WebGrid1.Export += new ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.ExportEventHandler(WebGrid1_Export);
    void WebGrid1_Export(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.ExportEventArgs e)
        e.ReportInfo.EnableValueList = true;

For the group info format, yes, you can customize that one as well in the Export event. Try setting the GroupRowInfoFormatDefault property to "[value]" (without the double quote). The property is available in global level (LayoutSettings), table level and column level, so you can choose which suits you the best.

Hope this helps,

Posted: October 14, 2009 9:34 AM

Staffan, try to reset all IE settings to default. In Options dialog, go to Advanced tab then click on Reset button.

Posted: October 14, 2009 9:31 AM

Xedem, yes, I think the above code is designed only for Response.Redirect. 

The Server.Transfer method performs the data transfer directly on server-side without reaching client-side first, and thus there's no way to really support it during AJAX/partial page refresh.

Posted: October 14, 2009 8:16 AM

Hi Xedem,

There are two solutions for page redirection in FlyPostBack AJAX request:

  1. The latest WebUI Framework includes native support for .NET's Response.Redirect through httpModule extension. So your above code should work properly as soon as you add the following key to your web.config:
       <add name="FlyPostBackModule" type="ISNet.WebUI.FlyPostBackModule, ISNet.WebUI"></add>
  2. If adding httpModule is not an option, the easiest way to perform page redirection is through ClientAction.Navigate function which is available from WebGrid object directly. Example:


Note: Make sure you add the httpModule definition to the correct node depending on your target IIS version. Eg, IIS 7 requires http handlers and modules to be defined in system.webServer node.

Hope this helps,

Posted: October 14, 2009 4:24 AM

Staffan, if you're updating the assemblies through Intersoft's Update Manager, it should have take care the GAC update and everything.

Have you tried to export the Grid in other computer? That will help to isolate whether the issue is in the client-side installation (eg, Adobe Acrobat Reader issue) or possibly browser setting issue.

Posted: October 14, 2009 12:11 AM

Hi Alex,

Yes, that can be done easily by using a simple property set.

Set your image url to the provided DesktopManager.ImagesSettings.OverlayBackground property.

Hope this helps,

Posted: October 12, 2009 10:55 AM

Hi Jim, 

I'm pretty sure that WebGrid 7 already supports XHTML doctype, you can give it a try.

Posted: October 10, 2009 12:15 AM


Do you have any other components in the page or javascript codes that may cause or override the default behavior of WebGrid's context menu? For instance, some kind of codes that hide all popups in document body level.

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