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Handy Surya Support
of 223
Posted: April 12, 2011 10:55 AM

Hi Eric,

Ok, I understand about your issue. Is it possible for us to schedule remote in your server? 
As you said, this happens randomly. Can you ensure when the possiblities the crash would happen again?
Perhaps, If we can find the correct time, we can investigate the issue by remoting to your server (debug).


Posted: April 11, 2011 9:59 PM


Thank you for information. I will let our developer teams know about this situation.


Posted: April 11, 2011 9:56 PM

Hello T,

Unfortunately, it cannot be done for now due to limitation in UXDockButton itself in your scenario.
You can refer into the best practice to use StyleSelector in this link.


Posted: April 11, 2011 9:46 PM

Hello Fung,

Thank you for your suggestion. However, this is not recommended because all binding code should be placed in InitializeDataSource event.
Regarding this issue, I would like to re-confirm that this is not a bug. Please see below sample to see how should we handle this scenario.


Posted: April 11, 2011 5:26 AM


Unfortunately, we could not replicate your issue in here. Is it possible for you to send us a simple runable sample that replicates the issue? Please ensure to fill your DataKeyField in RootTable level.



Ok, I understand.
Personally, I don't agree if this issue related to AutoFitColumns. 

Example, If I am using WebGrid with few column and few data, It works great (not related to AutoFitColumn).
However, When using Invoice Table which contains many data, I can replicate the issue.
If I adjust the paging, it would work faster than before. The speed even become faster if you set AutoFitColumn true.

It seems the client render in html is less than AutoFitColumn false.
When it set to false, the rendering took many resources such as scrollbar and more elements.
Perhaps, this will answer your question why the performance would be great during AutoFitColumn true.

I would be agree if this performance related to rendering many columns in WebGrid, not because AutoFitColumn.


Hi Eric,

It would be fixed in the next release. Currently, we could not send or release any nighly/official hotfixes because we want to focus in our release which is within this month.



Normally, ClientAction is triggered when there is a flypostback action in the control. RenderControl is one of ClientAction method. This method is used to refresh UI control state during postback action.
However, Disabling a WebButton doesn’t require rendering at server side during FlyPostBack Request.
That's why it returns error when we used RenderControl.
You can only do this in FullPostBack or with javascript/client approach.

Therefore, If you still want to disable it in server side, you need to use InvokeScript(). This method would call your javascript function.


Posted: April 8, 2011 8:14 AM


After discussed with our developer, I don't recommend you to use this approach. UxDockButton is not designed that way. You should not change the control template directly with UXDockSeparator.
We would like to use Style selector for this scenario which would be more elegant.
Unfortunately, there is a limitation to use this approach for now. We would enhance this in our next release.
Also, You can change UXDockSeparator width by changing its width property.


Posted: April 7, 2011 10:59 PM


Can I know your WebGrid 7 build version? As far I know the latest build 419, has a bug when running clientbinding mode. This issue has been address and should be fixed in the next release.


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