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I can replicate the issue. I think the issue more likely because UXGridViewExpanderColumn instead of BusyIndicator/UXBusyIndicator.Fyi, UXGridView also has busy indicator itself. I can also replicate the issue by using busy indicator from UXGridView.
I will report this to our developer teams and will let you know the update.
Hi Krzysztof,
Can you let us know if you were using Silverlight or WPF version?As far I know, this is a known issue in our WPF version. I should work well in Silverlight version.If you have an issue in Silverlight version, would you mind to help us by sending a simple runable project that replicates the issue?
Hello Krzystof,
"" is almost created correctly. However, It is only missing one file, "AppManifest.xaml". That's why the references are not properly loaded by ClientUI framework. The AppManifest.xaml should list all the referenced assemblies. Hope this helps.
Hello Peter,
Normally, to generate licenses.islicx, you need to point into your project assemblies. Example, ProjectName is "ClientUIDesktopApp1", the assemblies should be "ClientUIDesktopApp1.dll".When build in LightSwitch, would the name be changed?If not, please build and ensure your LightSwitch project is already final or does not have any changes anymore before generate the runtime.After that, set your license.islicx as EmbededResources. You also need to pay attention about RunTime license key. It is different with License key which you used to register the product. Also, carefully when insert RunTime license key. Please ensure it correctly and does not have " " before or after the license.
I can replicate your issue in here. I will forward this to our developer teams and will let you know the update.While waiting the update, I need to let you know that 'VideoPlayer' needs some necessary assemblies such as 'Intersoft.Client.UI.Aqua.dll' and 'Intersoft.Client.Framework.dll'. As far I checked, those assemblies are not listed inside your
Hi Fung,
Ok, thank you for your information. I will try to replicate the issue in here and investigate the issue. Please bear with me.
Hello Fung,
Have you tried to run Julia's sample above? It should work fine. Please also let me know what WebInput version that you used. I suggest you to use our latest WebInput hotfixes for the best result.
Can you send me a simple sample that replicates this issue? Please also let me know your current browser,e.g IE7 or IE8 ( please press F12 to see what is your current browser mode).
Hello Eric,
There is no update response from our developer teams. They are still discussing what might causing this issue. I am very sorry about this. But we are very difficult to discuss the issue due to lack of resources. At least, we need to replicate the issue first.
Yes after this released, we are focusing in our bug fixes.
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