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Handy Surya Support
of 223

Hello Domingo,

Thank you for the detail. The issue is under investigation. I would back to you as soon as we got the result from our developer.


The response has been replied via email. For user who would like to see the working sample about this scenario, can download it in this link.


Hello Domingo,

Can you help us in providing the sample that simulates this issue? We need this to understand your issue issue deeply.


Posted: March 17, 2014 5:20 AM


LongListSelector is .net control so the selected item could not be accessed at this level. If you don't mind can you share a little bit about your scenario or purpose? Why you need to use LongListSelector? I think you can use ListBox or our control AdvancedListBox.


Posted: March 16, 2014 11:50 PM

Hi Olof,

You can try the dynamic binding by using Register View Identifier. For further information, you can refer into this link under Registering a View Identifier at Runtime section. Hope this helps.


In my humble opinion, it occurs when the view has already been loaded.


Instead of setting DrawerViewModel or TabbedViewModel as the root view model, you can use your own view model as the login page, for example, LoginViewModel and set it as the root view model in the AppService in the Core PCL project. Then create a new page for each platform that consumes the LoginViewModel, where you can implement your own custom logic and validation for the login process. We are currently creating a business template that streamlines this process for our customers and will be available in the next version of Crosslight.

We suggest to use a dedicated ViewController instead of using a modal dialog for the login form, as this will allow you to manage the login process easily in the view model. However, if you wish to use a modal dialog instead, you can create your own custom presenter and show the presenter right after the Navigated event in the view model. You can see our video in the YouTube channel that shows you how you can introduce your own custom presenters to use in Crosslight.

Posted: February 24, 2014 8:51 PM


I think you missunderstood what Yudi point. The demo shows error because incorrect configuration for HTML5. The iframe itself still load HTML4 doctype page. After changed and configured it well in HTML5 doctype for its iframe, everything works without error. We will update the fix in our sample in our next release. There is nothing we fix in our control regarding your report. 

For proof, try to right click and choose view source in the webdesktop window iframe. You can see that the aspx itself still set HTML4, which is incorrect.


Posted: February 17, 2014 4:30 AM


Can you re-attach or re-upload the sample with another links? The current one was corrupted.

however, is there any guide wherein we can start projects from scratch? Are there any technical documentations for the setup class files like Infrastructure\AppService.cs? Or what is IApplicationInitializer? When can we use InitializeApplication, InitializeComponent, InitializeServices? Does it support dependency injection via constructors? Things like that...

Actually, We expect user only need to use our extension without need much configuration or do from the scratch. The wizard is only the tools to help user easily do the development. But if you want to do from the scratch, you can try to see more explanation in here.

Using crosslight is targetted for multiple platform (I get that), but we can't always focus on platform-specific (views) at the same time even with 90% shareable code. So we might skip other projects. Do you have plans on creating crosslight project templates individually?

Thank you for the feedback. Actually, you can uncheck which platform that you want to create with our wizard.

In addition, does crosslight support viewcontrolles created via code? If so, how do we create views and child controls in order for crosslight to bind the view and viewmodel properly? Here's a sample project in an attempt to start from small beginnings. The binding in this project don't work, so kindly review if you can.

Surely,it does support. In InitializeView, you can call this.RegisterViewIdentifier("AddButton", addButton);
Which "AddButton" is the outlet of the view and "addButton" as the button view itself. This should be registerred in the Binding Provider. For more information, you can refer into this link, under 'Registering a View Identifier at Runtime'.


Posted: January 12, 2014 10:38 PM


I am sorry, but I don't quite getting your point. So, you mean when insert "-", it would not show unless you insert "-" again, correct? Have you carefully seen our video? We did not get any issue when insert "-", for the first time. Simply can enter "-" at the first and followed by the number.

If you can send us your recording video, perhaps we can easily understanding what actually happen in yours. 

Please feel free to let us know if I am mistakenly understanding your issue.


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