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Thanks for the valuable feedback, I have forwarded this to our development team under WI #906. I will inform you once the development team has fixed the issue.

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

Posted: January 30, 2011 10:37 PM

Hi Tenika,

I am trying to replicate your issue using northwind database and Orders table. From the code snippet that you gave, I see that the EditType is NoEdit, if you set the EditType to NoEdit, then could you inform me how do you edit the cell? is it using form or control outside the grid?

I also has test by changing the EditType to CalendarCombo, but in my end the NexText and NewValue has the same value which is has the timestamp saved as well, I check it in OnAddPendingChanges client-side event of WebGrid. Do you have another settings that could cause the issue?

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

Posted: January 30, 2011 9:58 PM


Do you use SmartWebResources? If yes, please make sure that you have copy ISNet.dll, ISNet.WebUI.dll, ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll and ISNet.WebUI.WebTextEditor.Resources.dll to your project's bin folder.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

Posted: January 30, 2011 9:49 PM

Hi Andre,

Do you want to license your clientui in development or deployment server? The above link used for deployment, if you want to license it in the development machine, you just need to use license manager that located in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Intersoft WebUI Studio 2010 R2\License Manager.exe.

For more information on how to use License Manager, you can check the following link:

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

Posted: November 21, 2010 10:24 PM

Hi Tenika,


I modified the previous sample from Michael to adjust with your scenario, but I didn't get the same error. Could you try my sample and let me know if the problem occur or not at your end? If you have different scenario could you modify my sample so it will replicate the issue?

To run my sample, you need to put it in WebGridSamples.


Best Regards,


Gordon Tumewu

Posted: September 28, 2010 10:07 PM

Hi Frank,

I need to inform you that this is not a bug. As niven said earlier that the scenario is not supported because it is by design that the columnset is not available to be export to excel.

If you want, you can submit this as feature request at our developer network(, but once again becuse this is a feature request we cannot provide any timeframe for this.

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

Posted: September 22, 2010 4:50 AM


The error occured because Customer ID is not auto increment column, that's why you need to set the value. the solutions only works for auto increment column. I have tried to use your code on Michael's sample and it works normally.

Posted: September 21, 2010 4:21 AM

Hi Shawn,

Ok, I will describe the code that I sent earlier to Michael. 

First, grid will set the ID column manually to (AUTO), means that the ID is generated automatically from database, for example if the ID is auto increment or GUID.

For this, you need to inform grid by using the following code:


After that, when you add pending changes, the grid will set the field to AUTO and you can add as many row that you want to add without getting the error.

Have you tried to use the code? If not, please try to use the code and let me know if it's not working. Because I have test and some customers have used it without any problem.


Gordon Tumewu

Posted: September 20, 2010 12:08 AM

Hi Shawn,

I am sorry but I am confused with the scenario. I will try to explain it again, using the sample that michael gave, you dont need to set the productID, the grid will fill it as (AUTO) which will be change to the correct data after we accept all the changes. Do you get the same behaviour? or do you got error or unsuccesfull adding the new record?

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

Posted: September 16, 2010 11:21 PM


As I said earlier, WebGrid still need the DataKeyField to make the scenario worked. Actually you just need to set it to your primary key and the problem should be solved.

Best Regards,

Gordon Tumewu

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