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I have made a lightweight sample,see the attachment.
Because the sample is based on DB, so i first give you the xaml file and the ItemSouce sample binded to the UXNavigationPane,if you still get enough information,i will make another lightweight sample.
Because the sample rely on the database,so i simply give you an attach file about the MenuItems generated by the code.
And i have define the urimapping with such code:
<Intersoft:UriMapping Uri="/{page}" MappedUri="/Views/{page}.xaml"/>
The "/Products" in the MenuItem.Jpg mapping to the file /Views/Products.xaml
The attach file "menuGenerated.Png" shows the genereated menu,it's right as i hoped,but when i click on the menuitem,nothing happenes!
I don't think you understand what I mean. I mean, Image property can't support "~" to specify the root directory of my application. But WebDialogBox's ControlBoxImage property, it can.
I think I should know how to do it. Thank you very much!
I also have the same problems to be solved!
And I think your questions are too slow.
If I use this code, it will raise error: 无法从其“Value”属性的字符串表示形式“ChaELv”创建“System.Object”类型的对象。
<ISWebCombo:WebComboCell Text="差额率" Value="ChaELv"> </ISWebCombo:WebComboCell>
Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you.
Hi Riendy,
Are you sure the attach file is correct?
The best way is that i can inherit WebTreeView's(WebTreeViewNode) function. we are free to add property of WebTreeViewNode
For example, WebCombo with WebTreeView, now WebTreeView can select only one node. Can I select more than one node as the value of WebCombo, separated with ";", such as "JiangSu;ShangHai" ?
Use the following code to solve this problem.
m13931: function (vba275, v06d20, v7e33) { if (vba275.Get("ShowCheckBox") == "Yes") { wt57e67.me2f57(vba275, "CheckedState"); var v6ef39 = ISGetObject(vba275.ControlId); var v66050 = vba275.GetElementCheckBox().children[0]; if (v6ef39.EnableTriStateCheckBox) { if (vba275.Checked) { var vb8c85 = false; switch (vba275.Get("NodeType")) { case "Root": vb8c85 = vba275.Get("Nodes").length > 0; break; case "Parent": vb8c85 = true; break; case "Leaf": vb8c85 = false; break; } if (vb8c85 == true) { switch (vba275.CheckedState) { case "Checked": v66050.src = v6ef39.CheckBoxType == "UseStandard" ? v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, "wt_indeterminate.gif") : v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, v6ef39.ImagesSettings.CheckBoxPartialImage); wt57e67.mdb551(vba275, "CheckedState", "Indeterminate"); v6ef39.AddCheckedNode(vba275); break; case "UnChecked": v66050.src = v6ef39.CheckBoxType == "UseStandard" ? v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, "wt_checked.gif") : v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, v6ef39.ImagesSettings.CheckBoxTrueImage); wt57e67.mdb551(vba275, "CheckedState", "Checked"); v6ef39.AddCheckedNode(vba275); break; case "Indeterminate": v66050.src = v6ef39.CheckBoxType == "UseStandard" ? v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, "wt_unchecked.gif") : v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, v6ef39.ImagesSettings.CheckBoxFalseImage); wt57e67.mdb551(vba275, "CheckedState", "UnChecked"); v6ef39.RemoveCheckedNode(vba275); break; } } else { v66050.src = v6ef39.CheckBoxType == "UseStandard" ? v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, "wt_checked.gif") : v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, v6ef39.ImagesSettings.CheckBoxTrueImage); wt57e67.mdb551(vba275, "CheckedState", "Checked"); v6ef39.AddCheckedNode(vba275); } } else { v66050.src = v6ef39.CheckBoxType == "UseStandard" ? v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, "wt_unchecked.gif") : v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, v6ef39.ImagesSettings.CheckBoxFalseImage); wt57e67.mdb551(vba275, "CheckedState", "UnChecked"); v6ef39.RemoveCheckedNode(vba275); } if (v7e33 != true) wt57e67.me9387(vba275); } else { if (vba275.Checked) { if (v6ef39.CheckBoxType == "UseStandard") { if (window.event == null || (window.event.srcElement != null && window.event.srcElement != v66050)) v66050.checked = true; } else v66050.src = v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, v6ef39.ImagesSettings.CheckBoxTrueImage); wt57e67.mdb551(vba275, "CheckedState", "Checked"); v6ef39.AddCheckedNode(vba275); } else { if (v6ef39.CheckBoxType == "UseStandard") { if (window.event == null || (window.event.srcElement != null && window.event.srcElement != v66050)) v66050.checked = false; } else v66050.src = v6ef39.ResolveImagePath(v6ef39.ImagesDirectory, v6ef39.ImagesSettings.CheckBoxFalseImage); wt57e67.mdb551(vba275, "CheckedState", "UnChecked"); v6ef39.RemoveCheckedNode(vba275); } } if (v6ef39.ExpandWhenCheckedChanged && vba275.ChildNodeExpandable && vba275.GetNodes().length == 0) { vba275.ToggleExpandCollapse(); } if ((vba275.OldChecked != vba275.Checked || vba275.OldCheckedState != vba275.CheckedState)) { if (v6ef39.ClientSideEvents.OnNodeCheckedChanged != "" && v6ef39.ClientSideEvents.OnNodeCheckedChanged != null) { ISEvent.Raise(v6ef39.ClientSideEvents.OnNodeCheckedChanged, v6ef39.Id, vba275); } if (v6ef39.AutoPostBackSettings.OnNodeCheckChanged == true && v6ef39.AutoCheckChildNodes == false) vba275.DoPostBack("OnNodeCheckChanged"); } } },
mc9915: function (v1e141, v46547) { if (v1e141.CurrentLoadingNode != null) { var v42e2 = v1e141.GetLoadingTableEl().style; v42e2.display = "none"; var v07c28 = ISXml.GetNode(v46547, "//LoadChildNodes"); var vb6666; if (v07c28 != null) { v1e141.NodeIndex = parseFloat(ISXml.GetAttribute(v07c28, "NodeIndex")); var v63471 = v1e141.CurrentLoadingNode.GetDivEl(); v63471.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", v07c28.text); v1e141.GetSelectedNode(); vb6666 = v1e141.CurrentLoadingNode.Get("HierarchyNodes"); var vd8743_Tree = ISGetObject(v1e141.CurrentLoadingNode.ControlId); if (vb6666 != null && vb6666.length > 0) { for (var v59a17 = 0; v59a17 < vb6666.length; v59a17++) { wte5623.m23473(v1e141, vb6666[v59a17], v1e141.NodeStyle.Normal, v1e141.NodeStyle.Over, v1e141.NodeStyle.Active); vb6666[v59a17].GetInternalID(); wt57e67.m88f42(vb6666[v59a17], vb6666[v59a17].GetElement()); ISEvent.Raise(vd8743_Tree.ClientSideEvents.OnNodeAdd, vd8743_Tree.Id, vb6666[v59a17]); } } } v1e141.CurrentLoadingNode.IsLoadingNodeCompleted = true; if (vb6666 != null && vb6666.length > 0) { var v2aa16 = v1e141.CurrentLoadingNode; v2aa16.Set("Expanded", true); wt57e67.m39457(v2aa16, true); wt57e67.me3561(v2aa16); if (vd8743_Tree.ExpandWhenCheckedChanged && vd8743_Tree.AutoCheckChildNodes) { for (var v59a17 = 0; v59a17 < vb6666.length; v59a17++) { ISEvent.Raise(vd8743_Tree.ClientSideEvents.OnNodeCheckedChanged, vd8743_Tree.Id, vb6666[v59a17]); if (vd8743_Tree.ExpandWhenCheckedChanged && vb6666[v59a17].ChildNodeExpandable && vb6666[v59a17].GetNodes().length == 0) { vb6666[v59a17].ToggleExpandCollapse(); } } } } else { wte5623.m59593(v1e141.CurrentLoadingNode); v1e141.CurrentLoadingNode = null; } } },
mb9046: function (v24610, v7b144, v3b910) { if (v24610.Enabled == false || v24610.OldExpanded == true) return; if (v7b144.EnableLoadOnDemand && v7b144.CurrentLoadingNode != null && v24610.IsLoadingNodeCompleted == false) { if (v7b144.CurrentLoadingNode.IsLoadingNodeCompleted == false) { // wt57e67.me2f57(v24610, "Expanded"); // v24610.Expanded = !v24610.Expanded; // wt57e67.mdb551(v24610, "Expanded", v24610.Expanded); setTimeout(function () { wt57e67.mb9046(v24610, v7b144, v3b910); }, 50); return; } } if (v24610.LoadChildNodesOnDemand()) return; if (v24610.Get("Nodes").length == 0) return; if (v7b144.CurrentLoadingNode != v24610) { wt57e67.m39457(v24610); wt57e67.me3561(v24610); } if (v7b144.NodeSettings.EnableAnimation) { var v3b910 = v24610.GetDivEl(); if (v3b910) { window.clearInterval(v24610.IntervalId); = "block"; = "block"; = (-1 * v3b910.offsetHeight) + v7b144.NodeHeightUnit; = "height:1px;position:relative;overflow:hidden;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden"; var ved644 = new WTISAnimatedObject(); ved644.Style = "Exp"; ved644.EnableOpacityOnAnimation = v7b144.NodeSettings.EnableOpacityOnAnimation; ved644.MaxLength = 6; ved644.Element = v3b910; ved644.Height = Math.abs(parseFloat(; ved644.TimeoutInterval = 10; ved644.Type = "SlideDown"; ved644.OnCompleted = wte5623.m84036; ved644.EventArgs = new Array(v7b144, v24610); v7b144.IsAnimationPlayInProgress = true; ved644.Play(); v24610.IntervalId = ved644.IntervalId; ved644 = null; } } else { = ""; = ""; wt57e67.mc7590(v24610); if (v24610.IsLoadingNodeCompleted && v7b144.CurrentLoadingNode == v24610) v7b144.CurrentLoadingNode = null; if (v7b144.ClientSideEvents.OnNodeExpand != "") ISEvent.Raise(v7b144.ClientSideEvents.OnNodeExpand, v7b144.Id, v24610); if (!v7b144.EnableLoadOnDemand) { var v65230 = new WebTreeViewDirtyNode(); v65230.Action = "Expanded"; v65230.InternalID = v24610.GetInternalID(); v7b144.AddDirtyNode(v65230); } if (v7b144.AutoPostBackSettings.OnNodeExpand == true) v24610.DoPostBack("OnNodeExpand"); } },
function RegistWebTreeView(id, expandWhenCheckedChanged) { var webTreeView = ISGetObject(id); webTreeView.ExpandWhenCheckedChanged = expandWhenCheckedChanged; }
Of course, there must also consider the case of direct load nodes.
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