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Frank Gary Member
of 6
Posted: June 17, 2014 4:39 AM

Hi Yudi -

Thanks for the prompt reply. 

We just tried using scheduler.RefreshResources(); but it doesn't do anything like with scheduler.Refresh() it do make a server side request. Do we need to have a code behind or client side event some thing like that to get it woking. Below is code snippet :

var controlId = $('#ControlBoardId').val();            
var scheduler = ISGetObject(controlId);                

If you can provide a working example it would be of great help. 

Thanks - Frank

Hi Yudi -

Thanks for making effort in trying and reproduce the problem.

Like you mentioned "when the alert shows incorrect end date information, the selected cells are suddenly changed " , I think this might not be a reason for getting a wrong EndDateTime because we tried selecting just one cell on the control board and also in between the alerts there was no sudden change of selected cell position but still we get a EndDateTime as +15 min to the StartDateTime. Attached is a video depicting the same ('2014-06-04_1350.swf').

 "Please use GetSelectedEvent() method for existing event only" We follow that but we really didn't get the part where you have mentioned " will have its Resource set to the Resource with index 0 " .Can you please provide a sample code to how to get ResourceName and ResourceID values for a custom AddForm.

Thanks - Frank

Hi Yudi -

We tried your code but some how it didn't work for us. Below is the code snippet that we have used 

function WebSchedulerSummary_OnEditingFormShow(controlId,action, eventView, eventType, newType) {        var WebSchedulerSummary = ISGetObject(controlId);
        var EditingDialogBox = WebSchedulerSummary.EditingDialogBox;
        var dlg = WebSchedulerSummary.EditingDialogBox;
        alert("start date : " + dlg.Scheduler.StartDateSelection + "\n");
        alert("end date   : " + dlg.Scheduler.EndDateSelection);

        var resourceId = WebSchedulerSummary.GetSelectedEvent().OriginalObject.ResourceID;
        var resourceName = WebSchedulerSummary.GetResourceById(resourceId).ResourceName;
        alert("resourceID   : " + resourceId);
        alert("resourceName   : " + resourceName);

 We are getting "null" for GetSelectedEvent(). Attached in the reply is a video showing the values we are geting as per the code snippet and also you can see in the video that we are not getting right value in EndDateTime.

Thanks - Frank 


Hi Yudi -

This new code is working but we still have few queries regarding it. Below are the same :

1) Why it add 15 minutes to the startDateTiem for the value of EndDateTime. We were expecting something different. Suppose user pick 5:00 PM on a date and drag the mouse to select 5:45 PM on the same date then the StartDateTIme shall be 'DD-MM-YY 05:00 PM' and EndDateTime shall be 'DD-MM-YY 05:45 PM' but somehow the code ('dlg.Scheduler.EndDateSelection') give 'DD-MM-YY 05:15 PM'.

2) Also if you can let us know how to get the selected ResourceId and ResourceName as well. We can see in 'dlg.Scheduler' there are files specifyinh Resources and ResourceIndex but we are not able to figure out how to get the selected resource from there.

Looking forward for a quick response on the above mentioned points.

Thanks - Frank

Hi Yudi -

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Actually yesterday we checked the values in all those 5 parameters and except "controlID" and "newType" all were null. Attach in the reply is the screen shot for the same ('2014-05-30_1259_OnEditingFormShow_Screen1','2014-05-30_1300_OnEditingFormShow_Screen2').

We also tried with your sample code nut unable to trace "WebSchedulerSummary_OnEditingFormShow" function , actually we tried putting "alert" in the function but it seems to be like not working. Attached in the reply is your sample webscheduler code with our modification ('WebScheduler_CustomEditingForm_Modified') since your actual code some how doesn't work in our environment and if you can verify that its not our modification due to which its not working. Also attached is a video ('2014-05-30_1238_OnEditingFormShow')showing how we were testing your code , the video file is a 'swf' file so you can just drag and drop it in any browser to run it. In the video if you see in the end where we have highlighted date of the picked event and also the resource selected in dropdown basically we are interested in getting those values.

Hope to have a quick solution for the same.

Thanks - Frank

Posted: May 28, 2014 6:28 AM

Hi Yudi -

Thanks for the reply. The problem was something in our code only which was done in the past , reviewing that and making some changes we have it working now thanks. Just one more question . We were trying to get the Date,StartTime and EndTime of the selected columns on the launch of "New Event". We tried to achieve it via same client side event we used to launch the "New Event" or "Edit Event" but somehow it didn't work for us. Below is the code snippet for the same. 

function WebSchedulerSummary_OnEditingFormShow(controlId, evt, action, eventView, eventType, newType) {        // variable ResourceID of selected event
        var ResID = evt.ResourceID;
        // variable startdatetime of selected event
        var StartDate = evt.StartTime.getDate();
        // variable new StartDateTime of selected event
        var StartTime = evt.StartTime;
        // variable new EndDateTime of selected event
        var EndTime = evt.EndTime;

Somehow the "evt" variable always come out to be "null" or "undefined". Not sure what we are doing wrong here. Also if possible , can you provide me some documentation on webscheduler client side events?

The insight to the above problem will be of great help.

Thanks - Frank

Hi Bernard -

Thanks for the reply , so your explanation basically justifies what we doubt is happening and like you said that the way we have right now implemented it is the best way to do it so probably we will rest our case here then     :-)

Finally I would like to appreciate your support and would like to mention that it is one of the best support system I have came across. Looking forward for the same assistance in the near future also.

Thanks - Frank

Hi Bernard -

Thanks for the prompt reply. We tried your mentioned code but some thing strange happen, When the scheduler firstly load it was on today's date (05-16-2014) and load the data which is fine . We picked some other date and then repick todays date (05-16-2014) and control worked ,it did made a server side call and updated the data but when being on today's date we repick today's (05-16-2014) date again it came up with blank screen (no data was loaded) and also we verified that it did made a server side call also. So now the propblem is that if we repick a date which we are currently on it loads a blank screen. 

So we slightly modify your code from our end and then it worked for us.Below is the code snippet for the same:

function OnCalenderCellClicked(controlId, cellElement, selectedDate) {            var scheduler = ISGetObject(controlId);
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 500);


As you can see, what we did is that we delayed the scheduler refresh request because it appears to us that whatever default function is binded to the calender cell click event that might be clashing with the new client function introduced (OnCalenderCellClicked).Let us know if this implementation looks ok or if there is a method by which we can prevent the default event attached to the calender cell (some thing like event.preventDefault) which we can use above scheduler.Refresh().

Like i mention it do work for us but looking forward for hopefully the last fix to this problem.

Thanks - Frank

Posted: February 7, 2014 4:46 PM

Hi Bernard,

I think we have a resolution to our problem. One of our developers "manually" registered the webscheduler dll on our deployment server using gacutil. After that the webscheduler began performing perfectly.

We were concerned that we would have to do this on every client production server. We uploaded our new software build to a client server and everthing just worked without any manual steps.

We assumed that since we could not get the webscheduler to work on our development deployment server that we would have the same issues on our client servers. Not sure why we had the issue on our deployment server.

Looks like this issue is resolved. Appreciate all of your and Yudi's attention.

Thanks - Frank

Posted: February 6, 2014 11:42 PM

Hi Bernard,

I added the above to the webconfig and there was no change. The webscheduler still displays "corrupted". Some of the settings were already in my webconfig from the previous webscheduler 3 as shown above in my webconfig. I also tried removing those previous settings and still no success.

It has now been a full week since I purchased webscheduler 4.

Please advise and thanks -

Frank Gary

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