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Erwin Sanders Member
of 11

Thank you for your information Sachin. I just checked with our dev team and currently they are still working on ASPNET-368.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hello Sachin, yes it does happen on our end and it's been addressed as an issue under ASPNET-369. I'm currently still trying to find a workaround for you. Sorry for the delay. I'll notify you as soon as I have one.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hi Sachin,

The error (String was not recognized as a valid DateTime) is caused by unmatched dateformat string where in the filter it's "dd/MM/yyyy" and the cell data is "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", so I suggest you to set them to the same format such as "dd/MM/yyyy". For example:

if (MyColumn.Name == "RequiredDate" || MyColumn.Name == "ShippedDate" || MyColumn.Name == "OrderDate") {
    MyColumn.DataFormatString = "dd-MM-yyyy";
    MyColumn.EditType = EditType.Custom;
    MyColumn.CustomEditorName = "VistaCalendar";
    MyColumn.FilterEditType = FilterEditType.SameAsEditType;

This code has been tested and it should work fine.

About the background color problem, I just noticed it and it seems that this is a problem from our internal code. In the meantime, you can hack the style through the css like this:


.WSB1_CalendarInboundCellStyle {
    background - color: transparent !important;

This should remove the background color of the Vista Calendar.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hello Micki,

Intersoft WebUI 2007 R2 is an outdated version of our products. We suggest you to upgrade to our latest version which is WebUI 2016 R1 as we only give support to our 2 of the latest versions of our products. My collague Martin will give you guides soon. Really looking foward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

You are welcome Sachin. Glad I could help.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hello Shailendra,

Thank you for the information. That solution should be useful for future reference. Sorry if I couldn't help much on the issue.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Posted: April 21, 2016 1:57 AM

Hello George,

Thanks for the video. However, to be able to fix this, I might need to take a look at your code, on how you set up the WebGrid. Looking at your video, I can only guess this is a height issue since the status bar isn't shown correctly. You could send me a sample or write it in a snippet code. If it's code-sensitive, you can send it to Looking foward to hear from you.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hello Tal,

Would you be willing what you're trying to achieve with that width parameter? If we could have a better understanding of your needs, maybe we could give you an insight on how to do it.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hello Sachin,

The reason BackColor is not working is because of the default background color is marked as important by our internal code. So instead of using BackColor, you should be using CustomRules. Here's an example to it:

<SelectedCellStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" CustomRules="background-color: Firebrick !important;">

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

Hello Sachin,

ASPNET-368 is a ticket that we use to address issue from users to improve our products. It's queued for fix by our dev team. So far, I think that'd the best workaround for the moment, I'll look more into it. Is it possible to find and replace them? You could also try using external text editor software like Sublime Text for easier use.

Best Regards,
Erwin Sanders

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