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Eric Hanig Member
of 5
Posted: February 6, 2013 11:27 PM


that did not solve the issue.

I have included a screen shot of the issue.


Posted: January 3, 2013 9:23 PM

Ok i will explain again. I have 2 (TWO) ISDataSources, and want to switch betwee them. your sample has nothing to do with that. When i switch to the second data source, it doesnt change the columns, nor does it call the second data source GetData.

I have included the files.

Posted: November 27, 2012 9:53 PM



your not correct, the splitter is there but it doesnt appear the way you described.

I have enclosed the picture of the screen along with the exact source dump, and the file.


Posted: November 27, 2012 6:07 PM


Ok really need your help.  We want to try this, but i cant seem to find the element Id of that grip.

I have added here the raw html, so if you can tell me how to tell what the grip is, i will test this.


Posted: November 5, 2012 4:21 PM


Yes, easy.   We have a panel with 2 panes.  One is the main pain, and the other pane is seconday.

We have an options page that can allow them to turn that pane off (hide it).

Since the options are stored in a cookie, we need a way to collapse that pane if needed.

Posted: October 27, 2012 9:41 AM



here are further details.  When we use the following settings in our grids, ENglish US shows fine, no issues.  English Australia and UK do not show anything in the status bar.  CHinese and other languages show fine in the status bar.

<TextSettings UseWebResources="true" Language="UseCulture"></TextSettings>

If we remove those settings, then everything shows fine in the status bar, but it only shows in English, even when we change to Chinese or other languages.


Posted: October 27, 2012 8:55 AM


this is still happening, and i can show you it any time.  in fact we now have over 100 reports of this.

How are you changing the grids culture, and what are the settings of your grid?  can you please attach it here?



Posted: October 16, 2012 9:45 AM


I am posting here to show you.  This is a major bug in the Pane system, and we need to know how to address it.  I have tried your code above, and it does not resolve the issue.  Point blank, i should not need to do that specialized code just for firefox, as i dont need to do this for any other part of your systems.  if a pane item is disabled, it should act disabled in all browsers, not just IE.

In the screen captures i have attached, you will see several issues.

1) Any disabled items show and act correctly in IE (9), but do not show or act correctly in Firefox

2) The standard gradient at the top bar shows correctly in IE, but not correctly in Firefox.


Posted: October 16, 2012 7:46 AM


are you telling me this is not a bug?

WHy would it work perfect in IE, and not work in Firefox?

Posted: October 15, 2012 11:11 PM



No no, on page load, its not showing the pane items that are set as disabled, in the disabled format.

In IE, on page load, all the pane items that are disabled, show correctly.

In Firefox, they show as enabled, and it highlights them if you go over them, but they are not selectable.

This is a bug, no other way to look at it.


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