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Hi Niven,
I updated the culture setting for my grid:
I then added the currency dataformat to one field:
I am still getting the error: Message":"$293,503.00 is not a valid value for ...
What is the Grid's "culture"? Can you provide an example?Thanks,Dave
Thanks Handy - I will try that.
Do you know the KeyCode for the various arrow keys (up, down, left, right)?
This is how Excel works - the arrow key always moves you from cell to cell.
Thanks - this example works well.
Do you have an example where you pass data over to the WebService? I would like to pass all of the checked rows in my grid back to the WebService - at least the ID of each row.
I get an error:
Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'GetGroupChildRows().length' is null or not an object
When I use your suggested option:
var selectedObject = grid.GetSelectedObject();
I would like to set the value of a particular column, but just for the rows currently displayed within the group where I am selecting a cell.
When will that be, this week?
Is this a bug?
The error that I see is: " {"Message":"$59.96 is not a valid value for Decimal..."
Because the "$" is being sent over to the server. That formatting needs to be removed before sending the data to the server.
Moving the columns that were not visible to the end of my grid solved both of my issues.
I already asked you about BatchUpdate in my previous post. I am also interested in how you implemented the Select method. Below is my attempt. I create a query which joins the two tables and places the result in a custom class which I created manually. My solution works but is very inefficient because I have to enumerate the query and place the results into a list. If I don't, the select method throws the following exception:
"IntersoftWebApp1.BugWithOwner' is not a valid metadata type for type filtering operations. Type filtering is only valid on entity types and complex types."
This is my code. Would you share your solution??
BugId = b.BugId,
ChangeInLast = b.ChangeInLast,
Component = b.Component,
Dupe = b.Dupe,
OpSys = b.OpSys,
Severity = b.Severity,
Summary = b.Summary,
Target = b.Target,
OwnerId = j.OwnerId == null ? -1 : j.OwnerId, OwnerName = j.OwnerName == null ? "" : j.OwnerName, };
OwnerName = j.OwnerName == null ? "" : j.OwnerName, };
IList<BugWithOwner> l = new List<BugWithOwner>();
WebGridDataProvider<BugWithOwner> provider = new WebGridDataProvider<BugWithOwner>(l.AsQueryable());
BugId = bugWithOwner.BugId,
Dupe = bugWithOwner.Dupe,
ChangeInLast = bugWithOwner.ChangeInLast,
Component = bugWithOwner.Component,
Severity = bugWithOwner.Severity,
OpSys = bugWithOwner.OpSys,
Target = bugWithOwner.Target,
Summary = bugWithOwner.Summary,
OriginalBug.BugId = NewBug.BugId;
OriginalBug.Dupe = NewBug.Dupe;
OriginalBug.ChangeInLast = NewBug.ChangeInLast;
OriginalBug.Component = NewBug.Component;
OriginalBug.Severity = NewBug.Severity;
OriginalBug.OpSys = NewBug.OpSys;
OriginalBug.Target = NewBug.Target;
OriginalBug.Summary = NewBug.Summary;
OwnerId = bugWithOwner.OwnerId,
OwnerName = bugWithOwner.OwnerName,
OriginalOwner.OwnerName = NewOwner.OwnerName;
AffectedResults = 0,
Exception = null,ExceptionHandled = false, OperationType = DataSourceOperation.BatchUpdate,ReturnValue =
ExceptionHandled = false, OperationType = DataSourceOperation.BatchUpdate,ReturnValue =
OperationType = DataSourceOperation.BatchUpdate,ReturnValue =
ExceptionHandled = false,OperationType = DataSourceOperation.BatchUpdate, ReturnValue =
OperationType = DataSourceOperation.BatchUpdate, ReturnValue =
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