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Hi Yudi,
I have one remaining issue. I need to send the value for each grouping item for the cell I am currently on. For example, if we are grouped by Country, City, ContactTitle and I am selecting a cell within the Country of Japan, the City of Tokyo and ContactTitle of President. How do I get those values?
I am able to get the value of the first Group - which is Country = Japan, but I can not get the last two groups.
I can get the Group Index and Group Array as well:
var groupIndex = grid.GetSelectedObject().ToRowObject().GetGroupRowLevel(); alert("groupIndex: " + groupIndex); var groupArray = groupIndex.split("_");
Here is how I get the Country Name:
var groupName = grid.GetRootTable().GetGroupRows()[0].Cells[0].Text alert("groupName: " + groupName);
I thought I could get the city name by using that same line, but I receive a Javascript error:
var groupName = grid.GetRootTable().GetGroupRows()[1].Cells[0].Text alert("groupName: " + groupName);
So How do I get the City Name and the ContactTitle for the select Cell/Row?
I am able to get the
I need the GroupByExpression on the Client side - how do I get that?
How do I get the name of the columns being grouped by? For example - "Country" and "City"? I need to pass those to my WebService to actually run the query to update the Cell.
Also, how do I get the name of the current column that I am on?
Here is a sample. If you expand a grouping and then rick click within one of the cells and select "Fill Down" you will see I am not getting anything for var pos= grid.GetSelectedObject().ToRowObject().ParentPos;
What I would like to do is call a WebService and pass the group information as well as the value and name of the current cell/column that I am filling down. Within the WebService I will then make the update in the DB for that grouping. Because I am doing Virtual Paging, I need to update on the server in order to update the rows that have not yet loaded to the client.
So I actually need all of the grouping info based on the current cell/row selected.
Hi Niven,
This does not work for me. I am still getting the same error: Message":"$0.09 is not a valid value for Decimal...
Here is my grid:
<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" Height="400px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="100$ispct;" DefaultStyleMode="Win7" ViewStateStorage="None" StateRestorationLevel="Low" BindingOperationMode="ClientBinding"> <LayoutSettings AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowMultipleSelection="Yes" AllowDelete="Yes" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" AllowColumnFreezing="Yes" AllowEdit="Yes" AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowSorting="Yes" PagingLoadMode="Custom" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" VirtualPageSize="20" PagingSize="15" PagingDataRetrievalMode="ReturnPartialRows" AllowBatchUpdate="false" RowHeightDefault="30" PagingStyleUI="Slider" MarkDefaultValuesAsDirty="false" VerboseEditingInformation="true" NewRowLostFocusAction="AlwaysUpdate" FocusNewRowOnLastCell="true" AutoFilterSuggestion="true" ShowFilterStatus="true" VirtualLoadMode="LargeData" HideColumnsWhenGrouped="No" GroupRowInfoFormatDefault="[caption]: [value] ([count])" AllowDefaultStyleMerging="true" GroupByBoxVisible="true" Culture="en-US"> <FreezePaneSettings ActiveFrozenColumns="5" MaxFrozenColumns="6" /> <ClientSideEvents OnAfterExitEditMode="WebGridAfterExitEdit" OnColumnContextMenu="OnColumnContextMenu" OnRowContextMenu="OnRowContextMenu" onrowvalidate="WebGrid1_OnRowValidate" OnEditKeyDown="WebGrid1_OnEditKeyDown"></ClientSideEvents> <HeaderStyle Height="35px" Wrap="False" /> <ImageSettings ExpandImage="GroupPlus11.gif" CollapseImage="GroupMinus11.gif" /> <GroupRowInfoStyle ForeColor="Black" Height="22px"> </GroupRowInfoStyle> <TextSettings Language="UseCulture"></TextSettings> </LayoutSettings> <RootTable DataKeyField="PricingDrugCurrentTherapyDosingID" Caption="Dosings" GroupTotalVisible="true"> <Columns> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Country" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Country" Name="Country" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricingDrug" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Pricing Drug" Name="PricingDrug" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Strength" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Strength" Name="Strength" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Package" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Package" Name="Package" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="UnitDescriptor" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Unit Descriptor" Name="UnitDescriptor" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="ATC4" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="ATC4" Name="ATC4" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="CombinedMolecule" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Combined Molecule" Name="CombinedMolecule" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="BrandGeneric" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="BrandGeneric" Name="BrandGeneric" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Company" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Company" Name="Company" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Product" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Product" Name="Product" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="LaunchDate" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Launch Date" Name="LaunchDate" DataType="System.DateTime" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="MM/dd/yyyy" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Form1" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Form1" Name="Form1" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Form3" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Form3" Name="Form3" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="ExManSales" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="ExManSales" Name="ExManSales" DataType="decimal" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="UnitSales" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Unit Sold" Name="UnitSales" DataType="decimal" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="UnitType" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="UnitType" Name="UnitType" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="AutoWeight" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="Auto-Weights" Name="AutoWeight" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="MyWeight" Caption="MyWeight" Name="MyWeight" DataType="decimal" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="DoseUnitsPerReportedPrice" Caption="DoseUnitsPerReportedPrice" Name="DoseUnitsPerReportedPrice" DataType="decimal" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="DoseUnitsPerAdminDay" Caption="DoseUnitsPerAdminDay" Name="DoseUnitsPerAdminDay" DataType="decimal"/> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="MgPerDoseUnit" Caption="MgPerDoseUnit" Name="MgPerDoseUnit" DataType="decimal"/> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="MgPerAdminDay" Caption="MgPerAdminDay" Name="MgPerAdminDay" DataType="decimal" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="DaysDurationOfDose" Caption="DaysDurationOfDose" Name="DaysDurationOfDose" DataType="decimal" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricePerUnit" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="PricePerUnit" Name="PricePerUnit" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="$0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricePerDoseUnit" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="PricePerDoseUnit" Name="PricePerDoseUnit" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricePerAdminDay" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="PricePerAdmin" Name="PricePerAdminDay" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricePerTreatedDays" EditType="NoEdit" Caption="PricePerTreatedDays" Name="PricePerTreatedDays" DataType="decimal" AllowGrouping="No" DataFormatString="0.00" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="Comments" Name="Comments" Caption="Comments" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricingDrugCurrentTherapyDosingID" Name="PricingDrugCurrentTherapyDosingID" Visible="False" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="IMSDrugID" Name="IMSDrugID" Visible="False" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn DataMember="PricingDrugForecastCountryID" Name="PricingDrugForecastCountryID" Visible="False" /> </Columns> <GroupedColumns> <ISWebGrid:WebGridGroup ColumnMember="Country" SortOrder="Ascending" /> </GroupedColumns> </RootTable> <ClientBindingSettings DataLoadMode="PagedData" DataSourceType="WebService" PreloadGroupTotals="true" ItemTypeName="PricingDrugDosing" ServiceUrl="WS_PriceForecasterServices.asmx" EnableGroupRowPaging="true" GroupRowPageSize="20"> <ServiceEvents Selecting="GetCustomers_Selecting" /> <ServiceMethods DeleteMethod="deleteGridCurrentTherapyDosingByVersion" SelectMethod="getPagedCurrentTherapyDosingByVersion" UpdateMethod="updateGridCurrentTherapyDosingByVersion" /> </ClientBindingSettings> </ISWebGrid:WebGrid>
When I run:
var pos= grid.GetSelectedObject().ToRowObject().ParentPos;alert("pos " + pos);
The result is that pos is blank!
That sample is close, but there is one large difference. I do not know what the user will group by - so I can't use a Case Statement. How do I get those values dynamically?
Here is the psuedo code that I was thinking of:
ColumnName = GetCurrentCell.ColumnName
ValueToFill = GetCurrentCell.Text
GroupToUpdate = GetCurrentCell.MyGroup //Could be grouped by multiple columns (City, Country,..)
//Update Client
For ALL Rows in GroupToUpdate
Row.GetCell(ColumnName).Value = ValueToFill
//Update Server Side - need to update the values NOT currently displayed based on Virtual Paging
UpdateDatabaseOnServer(Group Info, Column Name, ValueToFill)
I need to be able to get to the Group Info for this specific cell.
Here is my issue - I am using the OnRowContextMenu to add a "Fill Down" option. I am in a row within a group when I click on the "Fill Down" option. That row does not have any children - it is a child.
I need to get all of the rows within that specific group. I tried to getParent based on that row and then GetGroupChildRows() from there, but I get a javascript error - GetParent is returning a null:
var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); // get the WebGridRow object // instead of element. var currentRow = grid.GetSelectedObject().GetRowObject(); // get parent row var level = currentRow.GetGroupRowLevel(); alert("Level: " + level); var parentRow = currentRow.GetParentRow(); alert("The parent row of this order is: " + parentRow.KeyValue); // get group child rows of // current row object. var groupChildRows = parentRow.GetGroupChildRows(); var s = "Current selected group row is '" + parentRow.GroupRowText + "'. The child rows contained by this group are: "; for (var i = 0; i < groupChildRows.length; i++) { var row = groupChildRows[i]; s += "Row " + i + ", Type=" + row.Type + ", KeyValue=" + row.KeyValue + " "; } alert(s);
How do I get ALL of the rows for the Group I am currently in?
I am still getting the same error:
Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'GetGroupChildRows().length' is null or not an object
My solution is based on that same example - ClientBinding_VirtualGroupPaging.aspx. I have just one level of grouping.
Can you send me your working sample?
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