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I have now used the "onmousedownevent" with the custom object attribute. But now the problem is that the grid no longer recognizes that row as being edited, after I change the status for the checkbox. As a result , "OnTheFlyPostBack" does not happen for row updates, which would otherwise happen as soon as I navigate away from the row.
The code I am using is
if (data.checked) {data.checked =
grid.AddInput("Operation", "MultipleExclude");
grid.AddInput("Exclude", "True"); }
grid.AddInput("Exclude", "False"); } grid.SetStatus1(
Is there any news regarding this bug. We are approaching the release, and would like it to be sorted. Can you please inform me on the status of this bug ?
Thank you for your reply.
I am trying the code to clear the row selection stated above. Can you please tell me in which client side event should I be adding this code. I tried to call the above function "ClearSelection()" during "OnAfterResponseProcess" event, which clears the selection, but it reappears after the page finishes loading. When I put an alert in the end of the "ClearSelection()" method, the selection is cleared, but as soon as the page finishes loading it appears back.
FYI: I am using "RestoreRowSelection = "ALL"
Thanks and appreciate your help
Please find attached the video of the way to recreate the bug i mentioned in the file IMG_0139.Zip . I am using the latest hot fix, and using the code present in the file in the above post.
Thanks for your help and appreciate your quick reply.
var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");grid.GetChanges()[0].Row.NewProperty = grid.GetChanges()[index].Row.GetCells().GetNamedItem("[ColumnName]")
Doing the above action during the OnBeforeRequest client side event does not help. I need to have access to the entire corresponding WebGridRow object on Server side when doing Batch Update.
FYI: When i do your above specified code and try to access the .NewProperty before the BatchUpdate event is triggered for the server side update, it still gives me NULL.
Please help
Thanks for your reply. I cannot disable the paging feature as there are close to 5000 records in my grid, which I cannot show in a single page.
For your other question, I need to access each cell data of the row that has been modified. I was hoping to use the ".Row" property of the WebGridRowChange class, as that would allow me to implement batch update to my existing code with having to do any changes.
Kindly let me know a fix for this. Thanks
The following is the designer code in .aspx file
grid.AddInput("key",key); grid.SendCustomRequest(); }
The following is the code behind
public partial class cs_WebGrid_SendingCustomRequest : System.Web.UI.Page
length = length - read;
offset = offset + read;
currentResponse.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "C:\\ReportBuilderHelpFile.doc"); currentResponse.ContentType = "application/octet-stream; name=ReportBuilderHelpFile.doc"; currentResponse.BinaryWrite(result);
currentResponse.ContentType = "application/octet-stream; name=ReportBuilderHelpFile.doc"; currentResponse.BinaryWrite(result);
As you can see, in the code if I click on the full post back button the code works fine, but not in the case of ONTheFlyPostBack
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