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Ok this kinda works for Android, it keeps popping up the AdViewModel over and over again which I can fix.
What about iOS?
public override void DidEnterBackground (UIApplication application) { }
I'm unable to put the code to the ViewModel in there within the AppDelegate.cs
I put the code into my RootViewModel but I get:
protected override void OnResume() is marked as an override but no suitable method found to override.
And If I put this into AppServices.cs in the core, I get Core/Infrastructure/AppService.cs(18,18): Error CS0120: An object reference is required to access non-static member `Intersoft.Crosslight.ViewModels.ViewModelBase.NavigationService' (CS0120) (IncroudRadio.Core)
protected override void OnResume() { base.OnResume(); HomeViewModel.NavigationService.Navigate(new NavigationTarget(typeof (AdViewModel), NavigationMode.Modal)); }
iOS and Android work fine. Its just Windows Phone that doesn't do anything.
Anyone else interest in getting the access token for Facebook:
var Token = AccountService.GetAccount().GetProperty("access_token");
And how do I go about saving the session? So when they exit the app, open the app and click Facebook Login, it can login them back in? I looked into using the AccountService and AccountStore but unable to figure it out.
Facebook Login is still not working on Windows Phone even on the samples. Nothing happens or comes up.
How do I get the Facebook Token?
I have it working in iOS and Android now but when I try to add the refrences of .95 to Windows Phone I get the following Error:
A reference to a higher version or incompatible assembly cannot be added to the project.
If I add old version, it adds them correctly but does not communicate correctly.
Why do I get Login Failed Exception: {Code:USER_NOT_VERIFIED, error:User not verified.}? But thank god it now sends works and sends me back the correct facebook information!
This also happens with iOS, same message.
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