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Gaurav Desai Member
of 3

Yes, the sample application works but is that a limitation that only in UpdateRow event i will be able to get Old row ? Is not there any way where in on the click of some server side button i check for old valules for specified column in list of data rows ?? It seems after UpdateRow event internally data table's acceptChanges event is called ?

My rqeuirement is to get all old and new value for list of modified rows on clic of a server side button and not on update row event. Of course as a work around i can store these old and new value in some in memory obejct like session on updaterow event but it is not recommanded approach to store too much values in session.

Any idea ?
 are again and again giving me same solution.

UNTILL THE INTERSOFT TEAM Resolves the issue with batch update I CAN NOT USE BATCH UPDATE feature in my grid. I think the work item was #689.

BatchUpdate is not enabled right now in my grid. Now can you please tell me why the work around i am using doese not work or suggest me some other work around.

Thank you.


Dear Yudi,

If you read through my post again, i have mentioned that your development team is working on the BatchUpdateIssue which Nikhil/Mukul my managers here have posted on which your team is hopefully working right now (the issue of AcceptAllChanges not workign in the night build ) . So untill we get a fix/night build for batchUpdte Can you please tell me why above code snippet is not working ?


Glad that you were able to reproduce. Please treate this as urgent fix and let me know once you hear from your development team.


Thank you.


Hello Andi,


Please find my attached sample code which DOES REPRODUCE THE ISSUE which i have reported. For your information i have been following up with Yudhiy Ariawan on a bug which was there in your web grid regarding batch update and i thing the work item number was #676.

Along with sample application i have attached the night build (hotfix) sent by Yudhiy and i want you to please test the application with those set of DLLs. I am able to reproduce the issue and i am sure you should also be.

FYI: Grid's out of the box feature of Accept all changes button works fine but calling AcceptAllChanges method explicitly does not work as expected.

Please treat this as very urgent as we have been stuck with this batch update issue for almost two weeks now.

Looking forward to hear from you.






this work around will not work as i mentioned earlier in my first POST in this thread that calling

intersoftWebGrid.PerformBatchUpdate(true,true) itself gives XmlException as shown above.

Any other idea ?



Yes, we are using nightly build sent by Yudhiy. Can you send me an update once your team resolves the issue with scenario please ?


I would describe the exact scenario here.. please suggest acordingly.

- We have a column coming from the data soruce lets say by name 'notes' which contains some text data entered previously by user so that field may or may not contain text data.

We are displaying a small icon inside the grid column on click of which a div pop up is displayed where the text of the 'notes' columns should be displayed if there was any previous note added by user. User should be able to add/edit this note and on click of 'save' button on the div , the div should be closed and modified/added notes should be kept somewhere in memory. [ This is where i was trying to set the modified/added text back to hidden field, which you now say is not possible ]. 

On click of 'Submit' button placed out side the grid all the  modified rows having newlly added or modified notes should be saved to data base.

Hope above scenario will help you suggest a work around.

Looking forward..


hello Andi,

Thanks for replying. I have tried to resize the column from client side as you suggested in previous reply, but it didnt work for me. i would like to remind you again that we are using the grid in SharePoint web part where we are programatically generating web grid object. The grid is made to hold self reference data we have also enabled the column freezing feature of the grid. Furthere more, the column which i want to make best fit width, is a part of the freezing columns.

Does it make any diffrence?

I would like you to implement the above scenario and resolve this issue ASAP for me.

Waiting for your kind reply....



We thought we had similar issue , hense we posted it here. As per your request we have created new thread

Please assist asap.

Thank you.

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