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I disagree. This is a bug. The filtering options should look at the datatype of the field referenced in the FilterKeyField attribute if one is provided. For example, if you have a column that is an integer type, but set the FilterKeyField attribute to a column that is a String then the filter options presented should be "string" types such as LIKE and CONTAINS rather than integer types like GREATER THAN and LESS THAN.
Without this fix, it makes the FilterKeyField setting mostly useless.
Bernard - You don't quite seem to understand the problem. The key here is that we are using a VALUELIST. Here's how you can replicate. In the sample project, open up EditorTypes.aspx and make the following changes:
Update the SupplierID column to use a TextBox filter: <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="SupplierID" DataMember="SupplierID" DataType="System.Int32" EditType="DropdownList" Name="SupplierID" Width="100px" FilterEditType="TextBox">
Now, when you run the page and try to filter on the SuppliedID column, your options include such things as "Greater Than" and "Is Between". With the ValueList on the SupplierID column these options have no meaning to to the end user. Options that might be usefull, such as "LIKE" and "CONTAINS" are not present. Imagine if the user wanted to see only records where the supplier name included the text "Ltd". It can't be done.
In this scenario, I would expect the SupplierID column to show the same filter options as the ProductName column. Even setting the FilterKeyField value to a string column does not allow LIKE and CONTAINS to be available for the user.
Specifically I have two Froyo devices: a Galaxy Tab and a Galaxy S series phone.
can I make this a feature request?
*Edit: Finally got the video to run, but it was hard to find a player that would open it . . .
You still do not understand the problem!
In your video you are just pasting into the add row at the top of the grid. Yes, this applies validation. However, you are actually just pasting a single row - even though you have two rows copied.
Follow the exact steps you showed in the video, but when you are ready to paste - do not right-click in the add row.
Instead, right-click on one of the existing rows. You should see a much larger context menu, including options like "Copy Row" and "Copy Table". The option you want to use is clearly labelled, "Paste Multiple Rows from Clipboard". This is where the problem lies. I've attached a screenshot.
I think you are failing completely to understand the problem with the multi row paste. Here are the steps to replicate:
1. Open up the sample page you noted above. NOTE that the "Summary" column is required and that the "Duplicate" column accepts number only.
2. Right click in the grid and select the option "Copy this table"
3. Open up a spreadsheet program, such as Excel, and paste the the contents of the table.
4. In Excel, change the value for one of the rows in the "Duplicate" column to the text: "this is not a number"
5. In Excel, in a different row, clear out all text in the "Summary" column.
6. In Excel select and copy all of the data rows. Here is a sample of data to copy:
7. Back in the sample page, right click in the grid and select the option "Paste Multiple Rows from Clipboard".
Note that there is non-numeric content in one of the rows for the "Duplicate" column and that there is an empty value in the "Summary" column for another row. There is no indication presented to the user that any particular pasted rows have bad cells or, better yet, which specific cells are bad.
We need to present to the user an indication that some of the pasted data is invalid - preferably by highlighting the cells or rows in question.
Here is a suggestion that the developers might be able to use to prevent this type of error:
Thanks for the direction. One thing however, on the pages you mentioned I can't seem to edit the OperatingSystem column. The dropdown doesn't appear and I can't type in the field. The same thing happens on your online samples. I'm using IE 8. See this page. Is this a bug?
In our grid we have PostControlState set to False and we were changing the caption value in a "If Not Page.isPostBack conditional statement. This is why our captions weren't being displayed properly on export.
I don't think you understand my request. I already understand how to set column captions. My issues is that the captions are not always properly displayed when the grid is exported or in the review changes dialog box!
How to replicate:
1. Create a grid with a column that has a name="Name1" and a caption="Caption1".
2. Display the grid. Notice that the column header says "Caption1"
3. Use the export tools to export the grid to HTML or PDF. Notice that the header says "Name1"
THis also occures in the review changes dialog box, in the changes box, the changed cells are listed by column name rather than by column caption.
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