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Bernard Xiang Member
of 52
Posted: August 27, 2012 1:28 AM

Hi Shri,

I'm a little bit confuse about your scenario that you mentioned above. But I think the problem comes when you open the WebCombo on 2nd WebGrid (the value of WebCombo hasn't been updated yet). For this issue, I've made my own sample. Could you look for my sample? And if there's any misconfiguration of wrong scenario that I made, could you explain me step by step the scenario that you want to achieve?



Posted: August 24, 2012 12:58 AM

Hi Jose Antonio,

You can hide the link button for each row using WebGrid_InitializeCell server-side event. Here's the code:

if (e.Cell.Column.ColumnType == ColumnType.Template)
    Label lbl = (Label)e.Cell.GetTemplateContainer().FindControl("Label1");
    LinkButton lbtn2 = (LinkButton)e.Cell.GetTemplateContainer().FindControl("LinkButton1");
    if (lbl.Text == "Con firma")
        lbtn2.Visible = false;
        lblMensaje.Text = "favor de contactar a su ejecutivo de cuenta";
        lblMensaje.Visible = true;
        lbtn2.Visible = true;


When WebGrid initialize cell, WebGrid check if the column type is template and change the content of the template. Hope this helps.



Hi Madhavan,

For this problems, I've made my own sample. In my sample, I using WebGrid with client-side binding and Unbound ListBox. Also I made this sample based on scenario that you mentioned above. Could you check my sample and tell me if there's any misconfiguration or mismatch in my sample with your scenario? Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.

Posted: August 21, 2012 3:28 AM

Hi zxdluck,

Could you tell me the error message that appear in your screen when you add an event? For WS_OnAddResources() function they are packaged in ISRes.axd. You can call all the function when you need it. Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.



Hi su su,

Sorry for the late responses. I tried to replicate your issue in our local end but unfortunately it works properly. I also attach the screenshot here. Could you tell me the step to replicate this issue in our local end? So far, I only open the WebScheduler Sample using C# and VB in Visual Studio 2010 then I check the Design View in aspx. Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.



Posted: August 20, 2012 11:51 PM
Hi JSDreamer,

Sorry for the late response. I couldn't use your project here. From your screenshot, this error occurs because the mismatch between the object and the instance. Could you let me know steps to replicate this issue on our local end? Please ensure if the database and dataset same like in our sample. Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.

Posted: August 20, 2012 11:23 PM

Hi Andre,

I'm sorry for the late responses. For this issue, I couldn't replicate it in our local end. If possible, could you tell me step by step how to replicate this issue in your sample? Or it will be faster if you can send a simple sample that reproduce this issue in our local end.

From your screenshot, I assume there're different rendering in Mozilla and IE. Is this problem still happens if you commented out the table tags above? Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.



Posted: August 16, 2012 1:53 AM

Hi JSDreamer,

Unfortunately, there isn't any of our sample that using other database than MSSQL and MSAccess. But it's still possible to use MySQL in your project. 

You can connect MySQL to Visual Studio using MySQL Connector for .NET. For references, you can visit

Then after you connect the MySQL database to your Visual Studio, you can make a DataSet to get the data from MySQL Database and use the DataSet as ISDataSource's Schema. You can use ISDataSource as DataSource on WebScheduler. Hope this helps.



Posted: August 15, 2012 11:56 PM

Hi Andre,

I can replicate your issue here. The problem occurs because the table tag in WebDesktopWindow doesn't have height. You can change:

<table style="width: 100%">
      <%--  <td background="Pictures\toolbar.png" nowrap="noWrap" style="padding: 6px">--%>
      <td background="Images\main_menu_bg.gif" nowrap="noWrap" style="padding: 6px">
         <img alt="RoboDialer Dashboard" align="right" src="Pictures\dashboard.png" width="120px" />


<table style="width: 100%; height:7%; display:block;">
      <%--<td background="Pictures\toolbar.png" nowrap="noWrap" style="padding: 6px">--%>
      <td background="Images\main_menu_bg.gif" nowrap="noWrap" style="padding: 6px;">
      <img alt="RoboDialer Dashboard" align="right" src="Pictures\dashboard.png" width="120px" />

 After doing this, the problem doesn't happen in Firefox. Hoep this helps. Look forward to hear any feedback from you so I can help you further.



Posted: August 15, 2012 12:18 AM

Hi Eric,

I've looked to your code. From your code, there must be only IPAddressText Column that unable to edit. But since in WebGrid AllowEditing property in LayoutSettings hasn't been set, all field except CheckBox can't be edited. To update the row, you can try to set AllowEditing property to "Yes". then you can update the checkbox to database or dataset. Hope this helps.




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