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Hi Conrad,
Sorry, but I must be forgot to attach the file, apologize for that. In my sample, everything works just fine and I added the DataKeyField to the RootTable element as well. However, it cause no problem at all.
I believe that our WebGrid supports Oracle database as well, so it will not make any different. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi Maged,
Thank you for your detail information. I am able to reproduce your issue now. I have forwarded this to our developer and I wil give you news as soon as possible if it has been solved.
Actually, the cause for this issue is "width:100%". We have already informed our customer that, we strongly do not recommend for them to use percentage in our WebGrid, because it might override our structure function. The best workaround for you case is to change the 100% to 100px, sorry for the inconvenience, but I have tried it and it works fine.
I hope it helps and please, let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.
Hi Johnny,
Can you give me more detail information on what are you trying to inquire? Is it for WebGrid's filter or WebGrid's sroting, or perhaps for WebCombo?
Hi Mircea,
Sorry, but I am not able to reproduce your issue since I am lack of your information. At what moment, actually the crash is happening ? I mean, those line you have provided, what it really actually does ? It would be much better if you provide me with more detail information and also, attach me a running sample that replicate you issue. Thank you.
Sorry, but I am not able to repro your issue. I have tried to create a WebGrid using your setting and Northwind SQL database, and the update row works just fine. Here, I attached you my sample file. There might be a workaround for this, but I am not quite sure if it is working or not since I can not repro your issue. Try to add the RootTable DataKeyFiled within your WebGrid. Here the snippet:
<RootTable DataKeyField="HARDWARE_SCHED_CODE" ColumnHeaders="Yes" AllowEdit="Yes" AllowDelete="Yes">
I hope it helps and let me know if it solves your issue. Thank you.
Hi Darren,
Glad to hear that you have solved the problem. Please, let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.
I manage to do your scenario on the WebTreeView and WebContextMenu, where on the first child node, I disable the first menu and on the second child node, I do hide the second submenu. However, I do not see any behaviour like you mentioned up there. As well as I tried it subsequently, the result is still same, it works properly. Here is the snippet:
function WebTreeView1_OnNodeContextMenu(controlId, node) { var WebTreeView1 = ISGetObject(controlId); var menu = ISGetObject("WebContextMenu1"); menu.Show(this.screenLeft + event.clientX, this.screenTop + event.clientY); window.event.returnValue = false; if (node.Text != null) { if (node.Text == "Image file") { menu.RootMenu.Items[0].Disable(); } else { menu.RootMenu.Items[0].Enable(); } if (node.Text == "PDF File") { menu.RootMenu.Items[1].Items[1].Hide(); } else { menu.RootMenu.Items[1].Items[1].Show(); } } return false; }
I hope it helps and please let me know, if I do not meet you requirement and not hesitate to ask. Thank you.
Hi Jocelyn,
Thank you for your information. Yes, it will only retain the description and not the value of the list. It is, actually, a default behaviour of the WebGrid regarding to the private issue. Additionally, you can read for more information at
I hope it helps and please, do not hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. Thank you.
Unfortunately we do not have a sample to create a new customize row context menu, but here is the sinppet that might helpful for you. You will need a client side event called "OnRowContextMenu" to trigger and add the new RowContextMenu.
function WebGrid1_OnRowContextMenu(controlId, rowType, rowElement, menuObject) { var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); var New_Function = new WebMenuItem(); New_Function.Text = "<asp:Literal runat="server" Text="New Function" />"; New_Function.Name = "New_Function"; New_Function.OnClick = "New_Function_"; New_Function.CustomElement = controlId; menuObject.Items.Add(New_Function); return true; } function New_Function_(){ alert("New Function has been called"); }
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