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Hi Ellen,
As I mentioned our your last post before, we cannot get the total of rows count before the WebCombo shows the dropdown list first and retrieve the filtered data. The workaround for this scenario is by showing the dropdown list first then, after that, we can get the total row of its value. In here, I show the total row in a HTML TextBox. Here are the snippet:
function WebCombo1_OnAfterItemSelected(controlId) { var WebCombo1 = ISGetObject(controlId); var WebCombo2 = ISGetObject("WebCombo2"); var count; WebCombo2.SetFocus() WebCombo2.ShowDropDown(); setTimeout(function() { count = WebCombo2.GetRowsCount() document.getElementById("Text1").value = count; WebCombo2.HideDropDown(); }, 800); return true; }
I hope it helps and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi Xedem,
Attached is a simple sample using a northwind database. I have created a MultiSelection Bound WebCombo and run it under IE and FireFox as well. However, I am not able to replicate the issue. Perhaps, I am missing on something. Do you use checkboxes to mark the row, if I may know or your scenario is as same as my sample? Could you please kindly modify the sample that I have provided so that it will replicate the issue.
Hi Yousif,
I am sorry, but I am not able to replicate the issue, perhaps you have some settings that change the width of check box row. Here, attached is a sample that I made of WebGrid using ITemplate. Remember to put the checkbox.cs on your app_Code folder. In this sample, I have tried to resize the other column or BestFit property is used, however, the issue is not occurring. Perhaps, I am missing something. Could you modify the sample so that it will replicate the issue.
Forgive me for the mistake, yes, you can have a link unbound WebCombo with exception that, the child WebCombo should not be an unbound WebCombo. In that so, if we are trying to get the total row of the child WebCombo after the parent WebCombo is chosen, I am afraid, we cannot do that. Since, even though, we select the value in parent WebCombo, without showing the DropDownList of the child WebCombo, the data will not be loaded. That is why, the total row will become zero everytime we are trying to achieve it.
The workaround to get the total row of the child WebCombo is by using the childCombo_OnShowDropDown client side event. With this event, I believe we can use var count = combo.GetRowsCount();.
Hi Muthu Hamid,
Yes, you can go to "WebPaneManager Advanced Designer" by clicking on the nav pane. After you click on that link, that particular window will show up. After that you can click on the "Pick Template Layout/Create Custom Tabular" which located on the top of the window, after that, you can choose the specific layout template. I also attached you a snapshot to help you find the particular function. For the other issue, sorry, but I will need more time to investigate it with the developer team. I hope it helps and thank you.
Hi Sukhdepp Kaur,
Okay, now I understand the situation. Yes, it would be a really big help and appreciation if you would kindly to send the running sample into my email. You can send them to my email at Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Shahjahan Ansari,
Actually, we do have a sample about this scenario. You can open a WebScheduler sample and choose the "Client_GetCellElements.aspx". In there, we have three types of marking the scheduler, there are according to date, dateTime and Time. You can manipulate the data and fits them into your expectation.
Hi Nick,
When we use the custom paging, we need to create a class file first. Here is the link of documentation, in here we use ISDatasource. Custom paging can be used in two types of data source. ISDatasource and ObjectDataSource. Here are the link for both types:
ISDataSource : ms-help://ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.V7/ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid/Implementing Custom Paging using ISDataSource.html
ObjectDataSource : ms-help://ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.V7/ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid/Implementing Custom Paging using ObjectDataSource.html
We do not have the sample of xml file for the layout of the WebPaneManager. However, you can use the "Pick Template Layout/Create Custom Tabular" and pick the template layout that we have provided. After you choose or, perhaps you create your own layout, you can save the layout with .xml file, so, on next time, you can use WebPaneManager.LoadLayoutFromFile and load the saved layout.
For the second issue, I think I will need a further discussion with the developer team and I will inform you as soon as possible. I am so sorry for the inconvenience. I hope it helps and thank you.
Hi Dasha,
To remove the expand capability, is by using its element and set the display to none. Here is the snippet to do so.
function WebGrid1_OnColumnGroup(controlId, columnObject) { var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId); window.setTimeout(function() { ISGetObject("WebGrid1").RootTable.GetGroupRows()[36].SetForceNoEdit(); ISGetObject("WebGrid1").RootTable.GetGroupRows()[36].RowElement.cells[0].style .display = "none"; }, 700); return true; }
And for the total count at the bottom of the WebGrid, unfortunatelly, we can not change it. Because, from what we did, actually, we do not remove or delete the data. It just hide them and that is why the Grouped row is still shown up and they are still included in the total count of data. Forgive me, but this feature is not supported by us yet. I hope it helps. Thank you.
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