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Hi Dasha,
Unfortunately, we cannot make it as a static, since it works under a condition. So, the workaround what we might can do is, by using other client side event. I have tried on WebGrid1_OnResponse and it worked nicely. So, in this event, if every event that related to grouping is occurred, then we can start to do the validation.
I hope it helps and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi Tenika,
Yes, as I concern, actually on client side of Grid.RootTable.GetCheckedRows() does not have a property of count. They are using length property in client side. That is why we call it client, usually it is related to its UI or what is on display. However, in server side, we do have a "count" property of Grid.RootTable.GetCheckedRows(). It will count all the data that we had and check for all the checked rows.
We do not have a property to get all the checked row using client side. The workaround, perhaps, you can use hidden text filed to pass the value from server to client side.
Hi Jocelyn,
The issue is still under investigation. I will inform you as soon as I get news from developer team. Thank you and have a nice day.
Yes, that is a default behavior of our filtered column. As you might noticed, our behavior is basically based on what SQL is capable. If we do not set the time, by default, it will return us a value of 12:00:00 AM or 00:00:00 AM. So, you will need to specify the time as well to get the particular value. In other hand, perhaps you can change the filter type into Between, for example, 10/15/2010 and 10/16/2010. Those will give us all the data for one day of 10/15/2010.
Although, you can create your own validation on your back end using initializePostBack and override the filter type, however, it will be so complicated since we do not support this kind of scenario.
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
I am able to replicate the issue and it is under investigation of developer team. I will inform you as soon as I have more information regarding this. I hope it helps and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Michael,
Forgive me if I am mistaken, but as far as I know, we do have a client side event that will be triggered when a CheckBox integrated with WebGrid is checked. You can use WebGrid1_OnCheckBoxClick client side event. I believe it will have same functionality as creating a CustomObjectAttributes onclick on the check box.
Hi Yousif,
Forgive me, but I am confused on the "auto-size" mode part. Could you kindly send me a sample that replicate of 2 minutes to render of WebGrid, if you would not mind?
For the issue of using AutoFitColumn="True", yes, if you are using AutoFilCoumn equals to true, it will resize all the columns so that, we can see all columns without doing a horizontal scrolling of the Grid. However, if you want to set the AutoFitColumn="True" and even after we clicked on BestFit option on header context menu, the width column of CheckBox is still static, here is the workaround. We need to set that column as a row checker column by adding this line:
newColumn.IsRowChecker = true;
Andi Santoso.
Hi Xedem,
I created a WebCombo with your setting and able to replicate the issue. I have forwarded this to our developer team and I will inform you as soon as the hotfix is ready.
I hope it helps and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any other questions. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Muthu Hamid,
Thank you for your patience. Now, I know why WebPaneManager1.GetCurrentTheme() is always return us a null value. That happens because we do not have the istheme.config in our project. To create the istheme.config in our project, you will need to create them using WebUIStyle Manager, usually this is on your program files under your WebDesktop folder. I will give you a video tutorial on how to do so, and you can click here to watch a video. After you have finished follow the instruction, you should have your istheme.config in your project folder. After that, you can add more style that has been provided by us, for example, Default theme, WinVista theme, and etc. Just remember to add them in your List.xml and add the folder of its theme as well which contains of .isl files.
Yes, I am encountering the same issue, where I cannot open the context menu. That occurs because in your MasterPage, you are using WebPaneManager and as we know that, our Pane Manager has not supported XHTML yet.
For the column size issue, I am still having a problem to replicate it. Could you modify the attached files so that it will replicate the issue and could you send them back for me to investigate it furthermore.
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