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Hi Jocelyn,
Sorry for the inconvenience, however, you can ask for the feature request at "Developer Networked -> Community Center -> Product Feedback -> Feature Request". I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
Hi Way Hang Wee,
You can copy all of the .dll files from bin folder into your GAC(C:\Windows\assembly) except for ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll. This particular .dll file(ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll), you will need copy into your project bin folder.
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
HI Alfred La Garde,
Unfortunately, this scenario has not been supported yet. However, this scenario has been requested in our feature request. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Yousif,
By you mean to change the text message, does it mean that you want to change all the language? If you are willing to change the language, you will need to use other Localization file instead of default.xml. You can refer this with "ms-help://ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.V7/ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid/Specifying custom language used in WebGrid.html".
Or, if you see my attached sample file, you will see that I only change the text to "Null" and keep the language as a default.
For you issue that the grid is come with "null" in the middle of it, I am sorry, but I not able to replicate the issue. Could you kindly modify my sample so that it will replicate the issue and send them back to me to be investigated?
Hi Herman Cordes,
Forgive me, unfortunately, for both requirement that you asked are not supported yet. The User Interface(UI) of new row in our WebGrid cannot be changed and the new row can only be created under the new record row. Perhaps, you can ask for this particular features at "Developer Networkd -> Community Center -> Product FeedBack -> Feature Request". I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
This is occurred, perhaps, related to you FrameWork. Here, I attached you the latest FrameWork. You could update your FrameWork to the latest one.
Hopefully it will help. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Aziz,
First of all, when we use istheme.config, we cannot have a project that does not depend upon hidden resources e.g. CommonLibrary folder. Secondly, for the other theme, you can get it from your Intersoft Solution folder in your Program Files for example, C:\Program Files\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\WebDesktop.NET 3.0\Layout\WebDesktopManager. You can get them and change the content of each file so that it will have a same content with the one that I provided to you. And the last one, I believe, I have also included those file from the last post attachment, changeTheme_ServerSide.aspx.cs and changeTheme_ServerSide.aspx.
For the IIS and deployment issue, our product should be have no problem when deploying with or without using SmartWebResources. For the easiest way, you can include your CommongLibrary folder inside you project and deploy them as one. After that, ensure that your ScriptDirectory and SharedScriptDirectory are having a right path. For further information about Deployment you can go to "ms-help://ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.V7/ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid/Deploying project that does not use SmartWebResources.html" at our documentation.
Hi Nicolas,
Attached is a sample code of setting a template DropDown with different a value in each row. Please ensure that you put the .cs file on your App_code folder. If you has noticed, on the .aspx file, you will see a block of commented code. When you do un-commented these block of code, in a result, any changes in WebGrid will be counted as pending changes in BatchUpdate. However, after you change the value, the dropdown list will be disappear. That is a known issue and under investigation of our Developer team.
This is occurred because the Template cell is being overwritten with the function of AddPendingChanges of BatchUpdate process and cause it to be a regular label.
The error is occurred perhaps, because you do not have a correct .dll file in you bin folder at your server application.
Here are things that need to consider when we do a deployment process:
1. Ensure that you use our Deployment manager. This tools will reconfigure your web.config so it will
be ready to deploy.
2. Copied all you project to the application server to be hosted on IIS.
3. Make sure on your bin folder, you have the right needed resources. Two important files that might
be forgotten are ISNet.dll and ISNet.WebUI.dll. You can get these two files from you GAC.
4. If you are not using SmartWebResources, you will need to copied you CommongLibrary folder from
your deployment machine to application server and set it as a virtual directory in IIS.
5. If you are not using SmartWebResources, ensure on your all .aspx file, the script directory of our
components are pointing to the right path directory of its CommonLibrary.
Hi Jarl,
Forgive me, but could you kindly send me your simple running sample that replicate the issue? Because, in my end, everything goes nicely and the triangle indicator stays on a specific column. Could you also inform me, if you do not mind, your build version and does it occur on every browser or only one particular browser?
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