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Sukhdeep Kaur Member
Posted: May 24, 2013 3:43 AM


Thanks for the video. Grouping is working if no new rows are added before dragging the group but that is not our issue actually. Please check the sample again. I have added a webinput in webgrid. When i run the page in IE 10 compatibility mode the arrows of webinput are all crooked. I also want to confirm that changing doctype is going to make all intersoft controls work? We do use web input, web desktop, webgrids etc.

Posted: May 23, 2013 1:20 AM

Yes i did change the doctype just like you suggested as well as set rendering mode to html5. You can compare the screenshots of IE10 i sent you before and after. After changing doctype, grid does look proportionate and double click is also working as are other functionalities. My issue is it has started giving issues for me in older browser versions after changing doctype and rendering mode. Even the webcombo's in webgrid columns are not coming right. Could you please send me a video of your sample with older version so i can compare on my side?


Posted: May 22, 2013 3:20 AM

Hello Hans,

I tried your fix. It does make a difference and fixes issues with IE 10 but it messes up grids in IE9 for me. I want the fix to work for all browser versions. Please see attached images. Grouping doesn't work for IE9 after putting renderingmode =html5. Even the font sizes and look and feel of grid is different now.

Is there a way to make it work in all versions of IE?

Posted: May 21, 2013 5:47 AM

Hi Hans,

Thanks for reply. Please find attached a sample project i created with this issue. As you can see in attached images also, in IE 9 same grid works fine and i can click on it and add new and double click to see selected row's keyvalue but in IE 10 it kind of hangs for me. It's disproportionate and i can click nowhere on grid.

Kindly suggest a fix. Let me know if you need any additonal information for this issue.

Hi Niven,

Sorry about replying late to this post because i was working on other project. So first of all, the video is still not working for me in windows media player. Secondly, i did run the updates but i just have version 7.0.7200.403 for webgrid not 7.0.7200.404. Same for webinput i have  4.0.7200.4 and not  4.0.7200.5 and my page is still not working with those versions. So how should i proceed?



Thanks for reply Niven. I am unable to open the video you posted with windows media player. Can you send it to me in another format? I will take updates also using Update Manager but i really wanted to look at video once.



Posted: August 19, 2010 1:24 PM

Thanks a lot Handy. Code you provided solved my issue.

Posted: August 19, 2010 1:36 AM

Ohh m so sorry abt that mistake. And yes i do have a datakeyfield set in webgrid. Let me know if you need anything else from my side.



Hello Niven,

I tried your sample. In the sample, you had used properties of webinput like DateInputLink which were not in WebInput 3 so i downloaded version 2009 R2 and then i was able to capture the value as i wanted. But i am unable to edit the value i select from webinput. As soon as i tab out, it takes it back to what value i had picked not the edited one. I have prepared a sample for you to look at and also version information before and after upgrade alongwith a screenshot of GAC. Let me know if you are able to reproduce the issue or you need anything more from my side. Just try picking any value from webinput and then manually edit it ex- you clicked on aug 18, change it to aug 19 and tab out in my sample.





Posted: February 15, 2010 2:38 AM

Hi Andy,

Thanks for your reply. I tried the code you have provided. My issue is slightly different. OnBeforeClosed event i want to check if there are any unsaved changes on page, then show the prompt to ask user "if they want to save changes". If there are no unsaved changes then i dont need any prompt before close. But if i use webdialogbox like you have suggested, it will appear everytime user clicks 'X' on window. I am already checking for unsaved changes on the onbeforeunload event of page which is ContentURL of window. It works fine just shows the prompt after closing the window. I would like to send you code sample of what i am trying to achieve if you can kindly provide me with your email address.




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