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If you are trying to retrieve the dropdown element during OnEnterEditMode you could use the element property of the editObject parameter. Here is the snippet:function _WebGrid_OnEnterEditMode(controlId, tblName, editObject) { var dropDown = editObject.element; ...}If not, by my analysis the dropdown element will be assigned an ID with [WebGridName]__[ColumnName], you could use document.getElementById method to retrieve the element. For example if you named your WebGrid WebGrid1 and the column is Company, the method will be:document.getElementById("WebGrid1__Company")Unfortunately, as far as I know the infromation is not available in WebGridCell object.
If you are trying to retrieve the dropdown element during OnEnterEditMode you could use the element property of the editObject parameter. Here is the snippet:
function _WebGrid_OnEnterEditMode(controlId, tblName, editObject) { var dropDown = editObject.element; ...}
If not, by my analysis the dropdown element will be assigned an ID with [WebGridName]__[ColumnName], you could use document.getElementById method to retrieve the element. For example if you named your WebGrid WebGrid1 and the column is Company, the method will be:
Unfortunately, as far as I know the infromation is not available in WebGridCell object.
Using document.getElementbyId or JQuery using the provided naming convention worked. It would be a nice feature request to include this in the object via property and/or method in the future.
I modified my sample based on your WebGrid’s markup on your previous post, but my efforts were not successful – everything worked smoothly and the re-appearing column on scroll issue is not reproducible.I enclosed the video when the page is viewed in browser as attachment. Please download the video at here. Should you find any steps that I missed during my attempt to reproduce the issue, please let us know.
I modified my sample based on your WebGrid’s markup on your previous post, but my efforts were not successful – everything worked smoothly and the re-appearing column on scroll issue is not reproducible.
I enclosed the video when the page is viewed in browser as attachment. Please download the video at here. Should you find any steps that I missed during my attempt to reproduce the issue, please let us know.
The bug only occurs when you scroll PAST the column that is hidden.
For example, consider a WebGrid with the following fields:
Field 1, Field2, Field3, HiddenField1, HiddenField2, Field4, Field5, Field6
If you scroll using the WebGrid's horizontal scroll bar so that any of the hidden fields are hidden from the UI, as soon as you scroll back, they re-appear.
Please see the screen shots which show the various fields in a visible state, then hidden, and then they re-appear.
Hi Shawn,I cant replicate you issur on my side. If you dont mind, could you provide me a screenshot or any more details which part of row's initial column did you click?Thank you and have a nice day.Regards,Niven
Hi Shawn,
I cant replicate you issur on my side. If you dont mind, could you provide me a screenshot or any more details which part of row's initial column did you click?
Thank you and have a nice day.
Here's code to hide the New Row:
/// <summary> /// Handles the Treaty Claim's DataGrid control's OnInitializeLayout event /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender</param> /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param> protected void grdTreatyClaims_OnInitializeLayout(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.LayoutEventArgs e) { // Initialize if (e == null) { return; } // Hide New Row // NOTE: This is done to ensure user uses custom button to create new rows this.grdTreatyClaims.RootTable.NewRowStyle.CssClass = Common.Utility.Constants.CSS_HIDE_CONTROL; }
I have also uploaded two images which shows the NewRow is initially hidden but then editable after clicking on the * icon.
Hello,Try to use the following code:function GetTotal() { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); var getTotal = grid.TotalRows; var getChangesTotal = grid.RootTable.GetChangesCount(); alert(getTotal + getChangesTotal); }GetChangesCount() method is used to get the changes made in WebGrid. In this case, when you add new row, the total changes will be counted as well by using this method.Therefore, you will get the total rows along with the added rows.Hope this helps. Thank you.
Try to use the following code:
function GetTotal() { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); var getTotal = grid.TotalRows; var getChangesTotal = grid.RootTable.GetChangesCount(); alert(getTotal + getChangesTotal); }
GetChangesCount() method is used to get the changes made in WebGrid. In this case, when you add new row, the total changes will be counted as well by using this method.
Therefore, you will get the total rows along with the added rows.
Hope this helps.
Thank you.
This won't work either because the user can modify an existing row which would cause the count to be incremented by 1 too many (1 from the TotalRows and 1 from the GetChangesCount).
I made a quick method that seems to work:
function WebGrid_GetTotalRowCount(gridID) { try { var grid = WebGrid_GetGrid(gridID); if (grid == null || grid.RootTable == null) { return 0; } // NOTE: This is done because Intersoft doesn't return the TotalRows accurately for a WebGrid using BatchUpdate var rowCount = 0; while (true) { var row = grid.RootTable.GetRow(rowCount) if (row == null) { return rowCount; } rowCount++; } } catch (ex) { ShowJSException(ex); } }
Hi Shawn, Unfortunately, we do not have the API for that feature at this moment. However, we can get its element and set the display to none. Here is the snippet on how to do so.This is to hide the AddNewRow: function Button1_onclick(){ var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); grid.RootTable.GetNewRow().style.display = "none"; grid.Refresh(); } This is to show the AddNewRow: function Button3_onclick() { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); grid.RootTable.GetNewRow().style.display = ""; grid.Refresh(); } I hope it can help. Thank you and have a nice day.Best Regards,Andi Santoso
Unfortunately, we do not have the API for that feature at this moment. However, we can get its element and set the display to none. Here is the snippet on how to do so.
This is to hide the AddNewRow:
function Button1_onclick(){ var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); grid.RootTable.GetNewRow().style.display = "none"; grid.Refresh(); }
This is to show the AddNewRow:
function Button3_onclick() { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); grid.RootTable.GetNewRow().style.display = ""; grid.Refresh(); }
I hope it can help. Thank you and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Andi Santoso
This will hide the row's fields but the actual row is still visible. If you click the row's initial column that is reserved typically for the row state icon, the row will re-appear. Is there a work around that ALWAYS hides the row so it will not re-appear?
Hello,It is not designed for BatchUpdate scenario. It does not return the correct total because the added rows in your screenshot has not been saved in database yet.Regards,Handy
It is not designed for BatchUpdate scenario. It does not return the correct total because the added rows in your screenshot has not been saved in database yet.
So I assumed.
Do you have a workaround so I can get the correct # of rows that are visible in the grid?
There is nothing wrong with the approach, to set column visibility from client-side.I created one simple sample test page of WebGrid based on the information of your first post in this thread. The test page was created to test whether the WebGridColumn is re-appearing or not as soon as the user scrolls on WebGrid that has horizontal scrollbar.I’m using WebGrid 7.0 build 406 and WebUI.NET Framework 3.0 build 757 (the recent latest hotfix). The reported issue is not replicable in my local test, everything worked smoothly and the WebGridColumn is not re-appearing when I tried to scroll.I enclosed the test page as attachment. Please kindly check the test page on your end and let us know if I might miss anything during my attempt to replicate the issue.The approach on my previous post, to set WebGridColumn visibility from server-side, was presented as an alternative of the client-side approach. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience if the alternative doesn’t suit with your scenario.
There is nothing wrong with the approach, to set column visibility from client-side.
I created one simple sample test page of WebGrid based on the information of your first post in this thread. The test page was created to test whether the WebGridColumn is re-appearing or not as soon as the user scrolls on WebGrid that has horizontal scrollbar.
I’m using WebGrid 7.0 build 406 and WebUI.NET Framework 3.0 build 757 (the recent latest hotfix). The reported issue is not replicable in my local test, everything worked smoothly and the WebGridColumn is not re-appearing when I tried to scroll.
I enclosed the test page as attachment. Please kindly check the test page on your end and let us know if I might miss anything during my attempt to replicate the issue.
The approach on my previous post, to set WebGridColumn visibility from server-side, was presented as an alternative of the client-side approach. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience if the alternative doesn’t suit with your scenario.
The JS you provided is very similiar to the one I am using yet I still have columns re-appearing after scrolling. It must be an issue with a WebGrid property (or markup). I have attached the WebGrid's markup to see if you can reproduce.
<CommonCtrl:EnduranceWebGrid runat="server" ID="grdTreatyClaims" DefaultStyleMode="Elegant" Height="100%" Width="100%" UseDefaultStyle="True" EnableViewState="false" ViewStateStorage="None" OnInitializeDataSource="grdTreatyClaims_OnInitializeDataSource" OnInitializeLayout="grdTreatyClaims_OnInitializeLayout" OnInitializePostBack="grdTreatyClaims_OnInitializePostBack" OnPrepareDataBinding="grdTreatyClaims_OnPrepareDataBinding" OnExport="grdTreatyClaims_OnExport" OnBatchUpdate="grdTreatyClaims_OnBatchUpdate" OnInitializeRow="grdTreatyClaims_OnInitializeRow"> <LayoutSettings AllowBatchUpdate="true" BatchUpdateSettings-PromptUnsavedChanges="false" AllowAddNew="Yes" AllowEdit="Yes" AllowDelete="Yes" EditOnClick="True" AutoHeight="false" RowHeightDefault="22px" AutoWidth="false" AllowColumnFreezing="Yes" AllowExport="No" AllowFilter="No" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" AllowSorting="No" AlwaysShowHelpButton="False" ApplyFiltersKey="Enter" CellPaddingDefault="0" FilterBarVisible="True" HideColumnsWhenGrouped="Default" InProgressUIBehavior="ChangeCursorToHourGlass" NewRowLostFocusAction="AlwaysPrompt" PagingExportMode="ExportAllData" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" ResetNewRowValuesOnError="False" ShowFilterStatus="True" VerboseEditingInformation="False" VirtualPageSize="200"> <ClientSideEvents OnInitialize="grdTreatyClaims_OnInitialize" OnRowContextMenu="grdTreatyClaims_OnRowContextMenu" OnCheckBoxClick="grdTreatyClaims_OnCheckBoxClick" OnExitEditMode="grdTreatyClaims_OnExitEditMode" OnAfterExitEditMode="grdTreatyClaims_OnAfterExitEditMode" OnRowValidate="grdTreatyClaims_OnRowValidate" /> <FrameStyle> <BorderSettings> <Top Style="none" /> <Bottom Style="none" /> <Left Color="#6593cf" Style="solid" Width="1" /> <Right Color="#6593cf" Style="solid" Width="1" /> </BorderSettings> </FrameStyle> <HeaderStyle CssClass="WebGridHeaderStyle" /> <StatusBarStyle CssClass="WebGridStatusBarStyle" /> <StatusBarCommandStyle Active-CssClass="WebGridStatusBarCommandStyleActive" Normal-CssClass="WebGridStatusBarCommandStyleNormal" Over-CssClass="WebGridStatusBarCommandStyleOver"> <Normal CssClass="WebGridStatusBarCommandStyleNormal" /> <Over CssClass="WebGridStatusBarCommandStyleOver" /> <Active CssClass="WebGridStatusBarCommandStyleActive" /> </StatusBarCommandStyle> <FilterRowStyle CssClass="WebGridFilterRowStyle" /> <PreviewRowStyle CssClass="WebGridRowStyle" /> <RowStyle CssClass="WebGridRowStyle" /> <QuickFilterBarStyle CssClass="WebGridRowStyle" /> <RowHeaderStyle CssClass="WebGridRowHeaderStyle" /> <SelectedRowStyle CssClass="WebGridSelectedRowStyle" /> <EditFocusCellStyle CssClass="WebGridRowStyle" /> <FocusCellStyle CssClass="WebGridRowStyle" /> <LostFocusRowStyle CssClass="WebGridRowStyle" /> <NewRowStyle CssClass="WebGridRowStyle" /> <SortedColumnStyle CssClass="WebGridSortedColumnStyle" /> <AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="WebGridAlternatingRowStyle" /> <EditTextboxStyle CssClass="WebGridEditTextboxStyle" /> <FreezePaneSettings AbsoluteScrolling="True" ActiveFrozenColumns="1" MaxFrozenColumns="1" ShowInContextMenu="False" ShowSplitterLine="False" SplitterLineColor="ActiveBorder" SplitterLineWidth="1" /> </LayoutSettings> <RootTable Caption="Claims Transaction" DataKeyField="UniqueID" ColumnFooters="Yes"> <Columns> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="UniqueID" Name="UniqueID" DataType="System.Integer" ColumnType="Text" EditType="NoEdit" NewRowEditType="NoEdit" FilterEditType="NoEdit" Width="0px" Visible="false"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Claim Number" Name="ClaimMasterReference" DataMember="ClaimMasterReference" DataType="System.String" EditType="NoEdit" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="150px" FooterText="Total"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Description" Name="ClaimTitle" DataMember="ClaimTitle" DataType="System.String" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="275px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Date of Loss Qualifier" Name="DateOfLossQualifier" DataMember="DateOfLossQualifier" DataType="System.Integer" ColumnType="Custom" EditType="DropdownList" NewRowEditType="DropdownList" FilterEditType="DropdownList" Width="125px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Claims Made Date/Date of Loss" Name="ClaimsMadeDate" DataMember="ClaimDateOfLossFrom" DataFormatString="dd-MMM-yyyy" DataType="System.String" ColumnType="Text" EditType="CalendarCombo" NewRowEditType="CalendarCombo" FilterEditType="CalendarCombo" Width="175px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Reported Date" Name="ClaimAdvisedDate" DataMember="ClaimAdvisedDate" DataFormatString="dd-MMM-yyyy" DataType="System.String" ColumnType="Text" EditType="CalendarCombo" NewRowEditType="CalendarCombo" FilterEditType="CalendarCombo" Width="90px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Event Date" Name="EventDate" DataMember="" DataFormatString="dd-MMM-yyyy" DataType="System.String" ColumnType="Text" EditType="CalendarCombo" NewRowEditType="CalendarCombo" FilterEditType="CalendarCombo" Width="90px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Level 1 Cat" Name="ClaimLevel1CATCode" DataMember="ClaimLevel1CATCode" DataType="System.Integer" ColumnType="Custom" EditType="DropdownList" NewRowEditType="DropdownList" FilterEditType="DropdownList" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Level 3 Cat" Name="ClaimLevel3CATCode" DataMember="ClaimLevel3CATCode" DataType="System.Integer" ColumnType="Custom" EditType="DropdownList" NewRowEditType="DropdownList" FilterEditType="DropdownList" Width="100px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Cause of Loss" Name="LossAnalysis1Code" DataMember="LossAnalysis1Code" DataType="System.Integer" ColumnType="Custom" EditType="DropdownList" NewRowEditType="DropdownList" FilterEditType="DropdownList" Width="120px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Paid" Name="Paid" DataMember="Paid" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="80px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Expenses" Name="Expenses" DataMember="Expenses" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="80px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Salvage" Name="Salvage" DataMember="Salvage" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="80px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Cash Loss" Name="CashLoss" DataMember="CashLoss" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="80px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Refund" Name="Refund" DataMember="Refund" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="80px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Port In" Name="ClaimPortfolioIn" DataMember="ClaimPortfolioIn" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DefaultValue="0" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="80px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Port Out" Name="ClaimPortfolioOut" DataMember="ClaimPortfolioOut" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DefaultValue="0" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="80px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Current Indemnity O/S" Name="CurrentINDOutstanding" DataMember="CurrentINDOutstanding" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="NoEdit" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="130px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption=" " Name="IncludeINDOutstanding" DataMember="IncludeINDOutstanding" ColumnType="CheckBox" EditType="Checkbox" FilterEditType="NoEdit" Width="25px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="New Indemnity O/S" Name="INDOutstanding" DataMember="INDOutstanding" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="130px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Current Fee O/S" Name="CurrentFEEOutstanding" DataMember="CurrentFEEOutstanding" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="NoEdit" FilterEditType="NoEdit" Width="130px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption=" " Name="IncludeFEEOutstanding" DataMember="IncludeFEEOutstanding" ColumnType="CheckBox" EditType="Checkbox" FilterEditType="NoEdit" Width="25px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="New Fee O/S" Name="FEEOutstanding" DataMember="FEEOutstanding" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="130px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Current ACR O/S" Name="CurrentACROutstanding" DataMember="CurrentACROutstanding" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="130px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption=" " Name="IncludeACROutstanding" DataMember="IncludeACROutstanding" ColumnType="CheckBox" EditType="Checkbox" FilterEditType="NoEdit" Width="25px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="New ACR O/S" Name="ACROutstanding" DataMember="ACROutstanding" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="130px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="ACE O/S" Name="CurrentACEOutstanding" DataMember="CurrentACEOutstanding" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="130px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption=" " Name="IncludeACEOutstanding" DataMember="IncludeACEOutstanding" ColumnType="CheckBox" EditType="Checkbox" FilterEditType="NoEdit" Width="25px"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="New ACE O/S" Name="ACEOutstanding" DataMember="ACEOutstanding" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" DefaultValue="0" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="TextBox" Width="130px" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Current IND" Name="CurrentIND" DataMember="CurrentIND" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="NoEdit" FilterEditType="NoEdit" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Current FEE" Name="CurrentFEE" DataMember="CurrentFEE" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="NoEdit" FilterEditType="NoEdit" AggregateFunction="Sum" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Current REC" Name="CurrentREC" DataMember="CurrentREC" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="NoEdit" FilterEditType="NoEdit" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Current Incurred" Name="CurrentIncurred" DataMember="CurrentIncurred" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="NoEdit" FilterEditType="NoEdit" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Incurred" Name="Incurred" DataMember="" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="NoEdit" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Movement" Name="IncurredMovement" DataMember="" DataFormatString="#,##0.00" DataType="System.Decimal" EditType="TextBox" FilterEditType="NoEdit" AggregateFunction="Sum"> </ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn> </Columns> </RootTable> </CommonCtrl:EnduranceWebGrid>
Hello,I use TotalRows method in order to obtain the total grid's rows, and the method also gets the total rows after a record is added.function GetTotal() { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); alert(grid.TotalRows); }I have created a sample for your reference.Hope this helps. Thank you. Regards,-Martin-
I use TotalRows method in order to obtain the total grid's rows, and the method also gets the total rows after a record is added.
function GetTotal() { var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1"); alert(grid.TotalRows); }
I have created a sample for your reference.
Hope this helps. Thank you.
Please read my initial post.
Here's a screen shot to show you that it doesn't return the correct # of rows.
var grid = ISGetObject("WebGrid1");var rowCount=grid.RootTable.GetRowsCount()//grid.TotalRowswindow.alert(rowCount);
Did you even bother reading my post?
Anyhow, this does not return the total number of rows in the grid.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. My sample code is JavaScript so client. What is wrong with my approach?
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