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Rick Kennedy Member

You didn't anwer my actual question.  The question had nothing to do with ToolTipText.

My question is pertaining to the initially displayed text in the Stack Grid.  It displays the text "Stack Menu" until one hovers over a StackButton.  I either want this to displaytext of MY chosing or nothing at all.

It doesn't seem that you've grasped the full scope of the issue.  The button collection seems to be unmodifiable from any event or code after it has been loaded.  NOT JUST A CLICK EVENT.  For example, the following code demonstrates adding a StackButton on a 5 second delay.  This will also crash the FishEye when the button is clicked.

        public MainPage()


private void AddStackButtonWithDelay(double delayDuration)
Storyboard toolbarDelay = new Storyboard() { BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(delayDuration) };
toolbarDelay.Completed += (s, e) => AddStackButton();

private void AddStackButton()
WebFishEyeButton button = _MainToolbar.FindButton("cmdTools");

if (button.StackButtons == null)
button.StackButtons = new ObservableCollection<WebFishEyeStackButton>();

string stackText = string.Format("StackButton{0}", _StackCounter++);

WebFishEyeStackButton stackButton = new WebFishEyeStackButton();
stackButton.ItemName = stackText;
stackButton.Text = stackText;
stackButton.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Resources/toolbox.128.png", UriKind.Relative));


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