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Randy Genthe Member
Posted: June 29, 2012 2:36 PM

This relates to a problem I have been working.  Has this been fixed in WebGrid version 8?

Hi Bernard, Thanks for the reply.  I am replying before looking at your code so that you and others can review my expanded statement of requirements.

In the simplest case, there is only one column in the data.

Rows with value=1 have a green background, while rows with value=2 have a red background.  Other values have a default background color.  This is accomplished using FormatConditions.

If I group by the column I will have a GroupHeaderRow for each value.

Let us assume that adding a new row to a group will leave the group collapsed.

When I add a new row with value=1 to the grid, I want the GroupHeaderRow for value=1 to have a green background, as determined by the FormatConditions when applied to the new row.  That is the first requirement.

The second requirement is that when I add a new row with value=2, the GroupHeaderRow for value=1 should retain its green background, and the GroupHeaderRow for value=2 (per requirement 1) should have a red background.

The third requirement is that when a Group is expanded after adding a new row, the background color should revert to the default background color.  The default color should remain until another new row is added to that group.

So far I have not accomplished requirement 1.

Now I will have a look at the code you sent.

Best regards,



Bernard, I am not using a field named "FormatConditons", I am using the WebGrid FormatCondition feature.

Thank you.


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