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Nick Kiyatkin Member
of 2
Posted: May 17, 2012 3:04 PM


Any update on this issue

Posted: April 29, 2011 3:46 PM


Thank you. I will try this



Posted: April 19, 2011 5:04 PM

Hello Handy,

This approach doesn't work. When I change

BindingOperationMode = "ServerBinding" to BindingOperationMode = "ClientBinding"   on any simple Intersoft grid then I get an error. It is hard to believe that you can do it with no error. Can you send me any sample please



Posted: April 7, 2011 4:15 PM


When I enable client binding in a sample I got an error.

Is it correct  code?



Posted: January 24, 2011 5:29 PM


I want to be sure that data sent to client from a server is in a JSON format.  Can you provide simple code sample for a WebGrid

Thank you in advance


Posted: November 9, 2010 3:45 PM

Hi Niven,

Do you have any update on this, please?


We have

              ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.dll       6.0.7200.5

              ISNet.dll                                3.0.5000.507


Should we update to the latest build, WebGrid 6 build 219 and WebUI Framework 3 build 753. How to do it?

I have applied filter to a valuelist(dropdown).  Even filter works properly, it is not selected item in a dropdown filter? How to make it selected item?

Posted: March 29, 2010 4:55 PM

Hello Handy,

I have fixed attachment. Please try again



Posted: March 11, 2010 4:53 PM

I have webgrid version 6.0 with a filters and paging functionality build in.  I am using asp:objectdatasource control to do custom pagination. I also have button on a form which do postback.  My action:

1. Setup filters on a grid and click a button to get data

2. Go to page 5 on a grid

3. Set new filter on a grid and click a button to get data.


I want to be on a page 1, but instead I go to the page 5. Everything is correct I am displaying data for page 5. But after I clicking a button I need to be on a page 1 displaying data for page 1


What code should I write in  javascript to reset pageIndex to  1?

I try to use this function



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