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Michael Giger Member
of 8
Posted: October 4, 2009 11:03 AM

Hi Handy

Following Events are fired if I dropdown WebCombo wcProduct:

  1. Page_Load
  2. grd_InitializeLayout
  3. grd_InitializeDataSource
  4. grd_PrepareDataBinding
  5. wcProduct_InitializeDataSource
  6. wcLine_InitializeDataSource
I think, when a combo box is integrated into the grid, it is not necessary to initalisize the combo box each time. The data in the combo box does not change. It is not possible to load the data once and then cached, so that the dropdown of the combo box as quickly as possible.
How can I keep the response time as short as possible?
Best Regards
Posted: October 2, 2009 7:38 AM

Hi Glenn

Thanks for snippet. It works fine!


About GetCheckedRows issue:

I had set AllowMultipleSelection = MultipleSelection.Yes

That was the reason why it does not work correctly!


Posted: October 2, 2009 4:18 AM

Hi Handy

It works fine with following code:

   <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" id="WebPaneManager1_OnAfterResize">
       function WebPaneManager1_OnAfterResize(controlId, pane1, pane2, oldPane1Size, oldPane2Size, newPane1Size, newPane2Size) {
           window.setTimeout(function() { wgDoResize(true, true); }, 100);
           return true;

Only set WebGrid Settings to: Widht="100%", Height="100%", AutoWidht="false" and AutoHeight="false"

Thank you.



Hi Glenn

I send you Database-Backup (SQL Server 2008) file and my sample. I hope you can now replicate the issue.

After changing Connectionstring you should be able to run the sample and get the error like my last post.

In Event grdProductLine_PrepareDataBinding you can commenting out following line (samlpe run without error):

grdProductLine.RootTable.UseValueListForSorting = ValueListSorting.Yes;

Thanks for help!



Posted: October 2, 2009 12:55 AM

Hi Handy

I have set LayoutSettings for each WebGrid (see last posting)

<LayoutSettings AutoHeight="True" AutoWidth="True"></LayoutSettings>

If I set AutoWidth/Height = True then fit grids automatically when I change the size of Panes.

If I set AutoWidth/Height = false then doesn't fit grid automatically (please see attached pictures)

It's possible to fit grids after changing panesize (maybe WebPaneManager ClientSideEvent OnAfterResize)? If so, how can I do this?



Posted: October 1, 2009 4:20 AM

Hi Dicky

I did post this thread in Developer Network.

I had the same problem with HierarchicalGrid. The problem was fixed in SP1 for the Grid.

Simple Sample - this works (column name of the primary- and foreign keys are identical):

Table Master

 - IDMaster [GUID] Primarykey

 - Text [varchar(250)]

Table Detail

 - IDDetail [GUID] Primarykey

 - Text [varchar(250)]

 - IDMaster [GUID] Foreignkey


My Tables looks like this - this don't work because column names aren't identical

Table Master

 - ID [GUID] Primarykey

 - Text [varchar(250)]

Table Detail

 - ID [GUID] Primarykey

 - Text [varchar(250)]

 - MasterID [GUID] Foreignkey

Liked combo boxes require a datarelation with the same column names!

Please fix this issue as soon as possible. Thank's a lot.




Posted: October 1, 2009 2:28 AM

Hi Glenn

Please check also this behavior:

I use following test code:

            var Message = "";
            for (var k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
                Message += grdComputerLine.RootTable.GetRow(k).GetCell("ID").Text + "\n";

If the WebGrid is not grouped I get all IDs in correctly order (see ForEach.jpg).

If the WebGrid is grouped I get only 3 IDs (see ForEachGrouped).

How can I get all IDs, if the WebGrid are grouped?


By the way: RootTable.GetCheckedRows() also doesn't work correctly. It seems to be the same problem...



Posted: October 1, 2009 1:32 AM

Hi Handy

I found out why it did not work correctly.

If you set AllowFilter = Filter.Yes you must write following code:

WebGrid1.RootTable.GetElement(WG40.COLHEADER, WG40.HTMLROW).childNodes[0].childNodes[3].style.display = "none";

Your second tip always works:

WebGrid1.RootTable.GetNewRow().style.display = "none";

Thank you.



Posted: October 1, 2009 1:25 AM

Hi Yudi

Can you please point out to Dicky
Posted: September 30, 2009 9:50 AM

Hi Yudi

Thanks for your tip.

I just wanted to know if there are a find-method.

Best Regards


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