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Michael Giger Member
of 8

The assembly ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.Editor was the Problem. I had also a reference to this assembly. Now i can generate service reference!

Please check attached reference list. Should more references be deleted?



Posted: November 27, 2009 5:56 AM

Hi Yudi

Why doesn't this not work:

Supplier = rowChange.Data[rowChange.Row.Cells.IndexOf(SupplierID)].NewText;

IndexOf() get always -1!

Posted: November 26, 2009 6:07 AM

Only one word: great!

I still have a shorter version.

Because I use SystemID and ComputerID with ValueList, I need to save default text and default value. Now it works fine!!!

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" id="grd_OnAddPendingChanges">
		function grd_OnAddPendingChanges(controlId, table, rowChange)
		    var grd = ISGetObject(controlId);
		    grd.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("ComputerID").DefaultValue = rowChange.Data[1].NewValue;
		    grd.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("ComputerID").DefaultText = rowChange.Data[1].NewText;
		    grd.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("SystemID").DefaultValue = rowChange.Data[2].NewValue;
		    grd.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("SystemID").DefaultText = rowChange.Data[2].NewText;
		    grd.RootTable.Columns.GetNamedItem("Name").DefaultValue = rowChange.Data[3].NewValue;
			return true;

Great job, Yudi!

Thanks a lot.


Posted: November 25, 2009 9:15 AM

Hi Handy

Thanks for your last post!

I use OnAddPendingChanges to store rowdata in hidden input text:

document.getElementById("Hidden1").value = rowChange.Data[1].NewValue;

document.getElementById("Hidden2").value = rowChange.Data[1].NewText;

document.getElementById("Hidden3").value = rowChange.Data[2].NewValue;

and so on...


For reading from hidden input text i use OnRowSelect:

if (rowEl.getAttribute("type") == "NewRow") {

But how can i restore?



I try this:

        rowEl.cells[4].innerHTML = document.getElementById("Hidden1").value;

or this:

       var newRow = grd.RootTable.NewRow();
       var cells = newRow.GetCells();

       cells.GetNamedItem("Column1").SetValue(document.getElementById("Hidden1").value, false);
       cells.GetNamedItem("Column1").SetText(document.getElementById("Hidden2").value, false);
       cells.GetNamedItem("Column2").SetValue(document.getElementById("Hidden3").value, false);

Which is the best way to do this?

Thanks for a sample.

Best regards


Posted: November 13, 2009 1:42 AM

Hi Handy

I want to do the following:

When a user adds a new row, I want cache the new cell values. If the user adds an another row, i want to use the cached cell values as default values. Maybe can i use Cookies?

With batch update the client side events OnAfterAdd/OnBeforeAdd are not fired!

Which event do I need?

Serverside or Clientside?




No, i don't get this JScript runtime error in their sample, but in their sample, I had not integrated the earlier WebGrid Version 7.0.7200.306! I also haven't specific scenarios in my application. It works, if i delete WebGrid and i add a new WebGrid from the toolbar!

Could it be, that the SmartWebResources will not be updated because the same WebGrid version is already in use?

Best regards


Posted: November 4, 2009 8:33 AM

Hi Handy

Before deleting I want check if there row has dependencies.
Between loading the page and the batch update the dependencies might have changed. So i check on clientsideevent OnAcceptAllChanges if the user has selected a row with dependencies. If true then i undo Changes for this row.
I don't want that the user sees the error of the database.
Posted: November 4, 2009 8:09 AM
In the meantime, I've opened another thread: GetChanges() problem if the rows are grouped
Posted: October 29, 2009 10:50 AM

Hi Handy

In first column (R) dependencies (referential integrity) are shown. Has a row still dependencies, the row can not be deleted. So I check on client side, if the cell value is greater then 0. Since the dependencies might have changed, i refresh grid first. Because the refresh is asynchrom running, I had problems in the past (Application hangs -> Messagebox "Please wait..."). For this reason, I set XmlHttp.Asynchronous=false.



Posted: October 19, 2009 2:58 AM

Hi Glenn

Please have a look on my last post.

Can you reproduce this issue.
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