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Hello Shawn,
I am sorry but I still don't understand your issue. That's why at the beginning I was asking you to explain the scenario since I didn't get what you meant.
As far as I know, BatchUpdate pending changes works fine on my end. I never encounter the issue like missing the pending changes updates. Since you said that it is not reproducable, could you provide me a recording file that shows how the issue happens on your end? By viewing the recording video, I may get a clear view on your issue and I can start to investigate your issue further.
Thank you.
Hello A Yousif,
I will forward and inform the development team on your issues. However, could you provide me a simple working sample that replicates the issue that you mentioned?
If you can zip and attach the sample, it would be easier for me to directly forward the sample to the development team to be investigated further.
I apologize for the misunderstanding of your issue.
I have discussed with the developer team regarding this issue. Currently, it is probably a limitation from WebGrid to perform different culture in the same instance. As you said, WebGrid can only apply 1 culture and you are not able to override the culture even using InitializeCell Server-side event.
I will create a Feature Request and submit it to the developer team, so that they can enhance WebGrid further.
Have you followed the deployment checklist available in our documentation? Please ensure that you don't install any of Intersoft products in your deployment server.
Could you create a simple working sample that replicates this issue and attach the file in this post?
Attaching .aspx and .cs file is prohibited. Therefore, you are required to zip your files and attach the zip file afterwards.
Hope this helps. Thank you.
Hello Beryl,
I have seen that you have created a new post regarding this issue. Therefore, I will give you assistance from your post.
What I meant is you can use Client-side events such as OnAddPendingChanges where you can customize the row changes collection using the parameter provided.
Or, if you prefer to use Server-side, you can try BatchUpdate Server-side events. In this event, you can get the pending row collection using BatchUpdateEventArgs provided.
Hello Nico,
Here is the answer to your questions.
WebCombo control is not hardcoded design. You can simply configure its width from the property provided in the WebCombo.NET Designer.
I apologize for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you. For the current version, you need to redefine all default styles since the combo is designated with its default style initially. However, we are going to enhance the combo in the next version. We are going to implement and provide a property that allows user to override style using Css class without having to redefine all default styles. It is more like AllowDefaultStyleMerging property available in WebGrid.
It is probably because other div does not require to have css class for its styles.
Could you clarify in which parts does the WebCombo's HTML structure look weird and complicated?
Hope this helps.
Could you explain what scenario do you apply in Client-side UI? Is there anything related with Client binding with Batch Update?
If it is based on Batch update, you can use the parameters available in Batch update Client-side events.
This issue should not happen in WebCombo as the combo works fine on my end.
Have you applied the latest hotfix for WebCombo?
Could you help me by providing a simple working sample that replicates this issue?
Try to use the following custom format string in WebGrid:
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Freight" DataMember="Freight" DataType="System.Decimal" Name="Freight" Width="100px" DataFormatString="R$ #,##0.00">
When you put 123456.5565, it will render as R$ 123,456.56.
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