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Hi Hans,
Thanks, is there a way to tell what the filter is? or if its filtered or unfiltered? The OnColumnFilter only runs if you filter via the filter bar or context menu.
I have a page where the user can 1) go directly to the grid page unfiltered or 2) go to the gird via a filter (set programically). In this case neither of the client events runs. What I need to do is to duplicate the Filtered/Unfiltered message that displays in the status bar. I need to know at anytime what the status of the filter state is. Users don't look at the status bar so I need a way to tell the user via a RED MESSGE at top of grid, the filter status. Is this possible?
You need to get the hotfix for this issue. Unfortunaly this is an unofficial hotfix. This fix is in this thread from Bernard.
Hi Bernard,
This issue occurs with version 904 of webUI, it does work with the unofficical fix v905. I thought that this unoffical hotfix only fixed the webCombo error. I didn't apply the hotfix for the textEditor. When I added it, it works. So the question is when will this fix be offically released?
Thank you, works great. This functionality is a big asset for this web application.
Well, I was able to fix the problem. I had RestoreRowSelection set to RootTable, so the Row Checker field was always set. Disabling RestoreRowSelection fixed this problem. But another problem occurred and can be seen using your sample, with a slight modificiation.
On the webgrid add AllowGrouping="Yes" to the Layout settings. in the code behind right below the
TextBox1.Text += keyValue + "\n";
add this line
object x = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("ContactName").Value;
Open the page in the browser, Group by the City field, select a row and then click on button. You will get an error on this new line, saying object reference is not set. I need to get a value from the gird when I click on the button when Grouped By. Any ideas?
Again this onl
Your project works but mine doesn't but is more complex than your. I have no idea what it causing the problem. Not sure where to look, but this is killing my projects.
This is my grid settings.
<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" Height="320px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="100%" DataCacheStorage="Session" EnableViewState="true" ViewStateStorage="PageCache" EnableSection508Standards="False" RenderingMode="XHTML" EnableWebResources="Always"> <LayoutSettings AllowFilter="Yes" AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowSorting="Yes" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" VirtualLoadMode="Default" GroupByBoxVisible="False" AllowColumnFreezing="No" AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowExport="Yes" AlwaysShowHelpButton="false" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" RowLostFocusAction="NeverUpdate" AutoFilterSuggestion="True" FilterBarVisible="false" HideColumnsWhenGrouped="No" InProgressUIBehavior="ChangeCursorToHourGlass" PagingSize="25" ShowFilterStatus="True" RestoreRowSelection="RootTableOnly" VirtualPageSize="25" PagingExportMode="ExportAllData" AllowMultipleSelection="No" GroupRowInfoFormatDefault="[caption] : [value] ([count])" ColumnFooters="No" HeaderClickAction="SortSingle" ShowColumnAction="true" RowHeaders="No" CellClickAction="CellSelect" AutoFitColumns="false" PersistRowChecker="false"> <FreezePaneSettings ShowInContextMenu="false" MaxFrozenColumns="1" AbsoluteScrolling="True" /> <ClientSideEvents OnAfterInitialize="OnAfterInitialize" OnUnhandledError="WebGrid1_OnUnhandledError" OnResponse="doLoad" /> <AlternatingRowStyle Font-Names="Verdana" BackColor="#ECE9D8" Font-Size="8pt" HorizontalAlign="Center" /> <RowStyle Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" HorizontalAlign="Center" BackColor="#c9c9c9" /> <FooterStyle Font-Names="Verdana" BorderSettings-Left-Color="White" BorderSettings-Top-Color="White" > <BorderSettings> <Left Color="White" /> <Top Color="White" /> <left color="White" /> <top color="White" /> </BorderSettings> </FooterStyle> <StatusBarStyle BaseStyle="Normal" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="9pt" BackColor="#b5d4eb"> </StatusBarStyle> <TextSettings> <TextItems> <ISWebGrid:WebGridTextItem TextItem="CommonText/Refresh" TextValue="Refreshing Carriers" /> <ISWebGrid:WebGridTextItem TextItem="CommonText/NoData" TextValue="There are no Carriers to display, modify the filters above to view Carriers" /> </TextItems> </TextSettings> </LayoutSettings> <RootTable Caption="Carrier Information" TableHeaderVisible="False" DataKeyField="DOT_NUMBER"> <HeaderStyle BackColor="#3d4351" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Wrap="true" Cursor="Hand" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="White" Font-Bold="true" HorizontalAlign="Center" CssClass="WG5-Header" CustomRules="height:auto"> <BorderSettings> <Left Color="#3d4351" /> <Top Color="#3d4351" /> <Bottom Color="#3d4351" /> </BorderSettings> </HeaderStyle>
This is the button click code: The first time is fine, if I select other records after postback, the count of CheckedRows includes the records from the first attempt. This is also occurring when using a group by. I am also filling the gris using the InitalizeDataSource event. Any ideas? Is jQuery inteferring?
Protected Sub btnAssign_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAssign.Click If Page.IsValid Then Dim checkedRows As ArrayList = WebGrid1.RootTable.GetCheckedRows() Dim textValue As String = String.Empty Dim dot_number As String = String.Empty Dim entry_date As String = String.Empty Dim ostate As String = String.Empty Dim day_90_date As String = String.Empty Dim audit_type As String = String.Empty Dim offsite_eligable As String = String.Empty Dim carrier_name As String = String.Empty Dim ne_status As String = String.Empty Dim ne_exit_date As String = String.Empty Dim success As Boolean = False Dim i As Integer = checkedRows.Count For Each keyValue As String In checkedRows dot_number = keyValue carrier_name = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("CarrierName").Value entry_date = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("EntryDate").Value ostate = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("OICState").Value day_90_date = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("Day90Ltr").Value.ToString audit_type = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("AuditType").Value.ToString offsite_eligable = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("OffsiteEligable").Value.ToString ne_status = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("NEStatus").Value.ToString ne_exit_date = WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue).Cells.GetNamedItem("ExitDate").Value.ToString success = AssignCarrier(i, dot_number, ostate, entry_date, day_90_date, audit_type, offsite_eligable, carrier_name, ne_status, ne_exit_date) Next ' clear the insput field clearFields() ' rebind grid 'WebGrid1.RootTable.GetCheckedRows().Clear() WebGrid1.ClearCachedDataSource() WebGrid1.RebindDataSource() ' This forces a rebinding of the grid, not a very good way but appears the CheckedRows are not cleared out! 'Response.Redirect("~/SA/unassigned.aspx", True) End If End Sub
I'll take look at your project and get back to you.
Nope it doesn't clear the checked rows. It clears them from the Grid but if you look at the CheckedRows collection the previous selections are still there.
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