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James Mackin Member
of 3
Posted: April 7, 2017 1:04 PM

The hotfix appears to work.

Thank you for your assistance.

Posted: March 10, 2017 6:43 PM


As the other commenter has stated, Chrome 57 is now the latest stable version of Chrome and the filters are still unusable. My company uses the development version of Google Chrome for testing so we can fix issues like this. I had initially reported this so your company would have time to fix the problem while it was still a development issue. Your unwillingness to test on upcoming browser versions is frankly irresponsible and which may have a large impact on our users and reputation.

We are using WebGrid version 9 and although we will eventually upgrade to version 10 we currently don't have the time required to test all grids in our program. This filter problem requires a hotfix for WebGrid 9 and as I have seen in other forum posts you consistently suggest upgrading to the latest version instead of fixing the problem with hotfixes, I simply must insist you hotfix WebGrid 9.

The problem also occurs on webgrid 10 so you might want to fix that as well.

Please let me know when the hotfix for WebGrid 9 is ready.


Posted: January 24, 2017 7:38 PM


As I have still not received a response regarding this issue, I went ahead and added to my example. I have tested SweetAlert2 and SkinnyJs, and both have the same issues as Bootstrap. My current project has a more urgent need for these modals and as such I need a solution to this problem.

Please let me know what you recommend.



I am still seeing the exceptions in the new WebGrid. I also see it in my production application running 9.0.7200.4 so I am unsure if it is an implementation issue.

I have tested with WebGrid version 10.0.7200.24 and the status is now showing as expected.

I look forward to your findings with the exceptions.



I am using WebGrid version 10.0.7200.18 and Google Chrome version 51.0.2704.84 m.

I am seeing some exceptions thrown and they are: 'StatusBarCommandStyle is not defined', 'ColumnActionStyle is not defined', 'ChartInteractiveUI is not defined', 'ChartSettings is not defined', 'ValidatorCommonOnSubmit is not defined', and 'ValidatorOnLoad is not defined'.

I have tried the code you provided and it did not fix my issue. I also tested it with the OnAfterInitialize method and that works, but the OnInitialize method does not. I had paused the code before it ran the OnInitialize method and the text was already correctly set so it seems something is changing the text to blank.

Sorry, I was not clear last time. I have attached 2 images and highlighted the problem area with a red box. It is the status on the bottom left corner.

I have also looked into my code further and it is not a visibility problem, but the text is not being set on the initla load for some reason.

Posted: June 20, 2016 1:59 PM


I am wondering if this will be fixed anytime soon. I can see the issue still exists in the current WebGrid 10.0.7200 demo on your website and I would like a possible timeframe for which I can expect the fix.

I do not wish to have workarounds in my code so I hope to remove this one as soon as possible.



Posted: November 30, 2015 2:44 PM

This solution does work for me, but there is still the issue of passing the grid name for each table. This should work as a temporary solution until the issue is resolved in the grid code. Thank you.

Posted: November 26, 2015 6:27 PM


This code did not work for me and acted the exact same way as the current function. However, we have recently found that the issue is not related to the WebGrid version, and works as expected on IE8. The issue is only seen on IE9+.

If you could give me any information on a possible timeline for the code to be fixed, that would be great.

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