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Why this dont work:
var scheduler = ISGetObject("WebScheduler1");
And I need to do:
var scheduler = ISGetObject("ctl00_ctl00_MasterContentPlaceHolder1base_MasterContentPlaceHolder1_ucWebScheduler1_WebScheduler1");
This is because the WebScheduler1 is inside a user control?
I cant do a filter with your sugestion;
In Javascript I set a function with this code:
function SetFilter() { var scheduler = ISGetObject("ctl00_ctl00_MasterContentPlaceHolder1base_MasterContentPlaceHolder1_ucWebScheduler1_WebScheduler1"); var resSelectVal = "8b9d30a8-c92d-4302-8ed5-0161f5002bac"; [resSelect.selectedIndex].value;
scheduler.AddInput("CompanyID", resSelectVal); scheduler.RefreshAll(); }
This code refresh the control but no filter has made.
In server side when I chech the e.InputParameters(0), this as always the default parameter value;
In server side, when I set a filter with a fixed value filter work well:
Protected Sub ISDataSource1_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.DataSource.ISDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) ' Handles ISDataSource1.Selecting If e.ViewName = "WebScheduler_Events" Then e.InputParameters(0) = "8b9d30a8-c92d-4302-8ed5-0161f5002bac" End If End Sub
When you sugest:
e.InputParameters[0] = Int32.Parse(Request["ResID"]);I belive its work well but I dont have a querystring; the filter is inside the page;
Any solution?
Many thanks
Forget javascript errors, now it no happend;
I have another questions: I need a filter in calendar, I add a asp dropdownlist to page and in parameters of isDatasource:
<SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ddlCompanies" Name="CompanyID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" /></SelectParameters>
But on sql profiler the parameter value is always null.
I also try other way but with same result:
In server side code in ISDataSource1_Selecting:
e.InputParameters("CompanyID") = ddlCompanies.SelectedValue.ToString
but e.InputParameters("CompanyID") = ddlCompanies.SelectedValue.ToString is always a empty string.
What is you sugestios to set custom filter on WebScheduler?
Many thanks.
The database is Sql2008; is the same of that example:
I add the atribute sugested but the problem still;
I alrady see this column is not present in "RecurringEvents" table of default sql scripts.
Any help..
The attach..
See the code in attach;
The page MyDefault.aspx has a normal editing form;
When set recursive event to monthly, all events disapear.
Try yourself.
When I try on intersoft samples, all works fine.
For now I already solve the problem;
I dont know how, but is solved; Thanks.
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