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JK Mac Member
Posted: November 26, 2009 5:02 AM

Hi Alex,

It seems there is no work-around for this issue. Google blocks their site to be showed up in other web page using iframe.
I'm not sure if you can do this. You can try to create a XMLHttpRequest object to create an AJAX request and try to load the google pages with returnText (not returnXML), with that way you can get the html tag from google page, and then map it into your page. The other issue is the .js file and .css file will not loaded using AJAX request, then you need to copy the links (of .js and .css) to your own page.

Btw are we talking how to hack Google site here..

Posted: November 22, 2009 8:23 PM

Hi John,

They should have the sample, I have this scenario before, and able to manage it using ExitEditMode client side event in WebGrid. With that client side event you can re-calculate the value of cells in each WebGridRow and then mapped it to footer cells. Sorry I can't attach the code snippet here, I'm not at my PC right now :)



Posted: November 11, 2009 12:42 AM

Hi Nicola,

Make sure if you have ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll and ISNet.WebUI.[INTERSOFTPRODUCT].Resources.dll on your bin project. The easiest way you can try to register smart webresources by right click on Intersoft product that you use, and choose Register SmartWebResources TM on Menu item. I will automatically register the *.resources dll and configure the resources handler on web.config.

Hope this helps.

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