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You could use the HiddenDataMember property in the Category cell and buffer the Name value in that cell. During OnEnterEditMode instead of looking up the value in the Name cell you could look up the value in the HiddenDataMember property.
Here is the snippet to use HiddenDataMember:
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Bound="true" HiddenDataMember="Name" WebComboID="cboCategory" EditType="WebComboNET" Name="Category" DataMember="Category"> <ValueList DataTextField="Type" DataValueField="ID"></ValueList></ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn>
The modified OnEnterEditMode event handler, I also modified this function so the process is only done upon entring Category cell:
function wgTest_EnterEditMode(controlId, tblName, editObject) { if (editObject.ToCellObject().Name == "Category") { var combo = editObject.element; var cellObj = editObject.ToCellObject(); var nameVal = editObject.cellElement.getAttribute("Name"); combo.SetAdditionalFilters("Name = '" + nameVal + "'"); combo.SetText(cellObj.Text, true); } return true;}
The secreenshot we are asking is the screenshot when the error occurs, this way we could determine on which line or on which function or property does the error occurs.
The dump file you attach is the ophuscated intersoft javascript. We could not determine the error without knowing on which function or property that caused the issue.
Regarding the difference between the file version and assembly version in the DLL our file also reported the same information as yours. You are already using the latest build of WebUI Framework. Please also make sure you already use the latest WebGrid 7 build, build 401 (ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.dll and ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.Resources.dll)
I have attached a sample based on your scenario, hopefully it is quite similar. If you would like to filter the WebCombo value you could use the SetAdditionalFilter function during EnterEditMode WebGrid client side event handler.
The OPTGROUP is used to grouped options in the SELECT HTML element and by default is not selectable. You could read more about OPTGROUP in this page
I am stil discussing this issue with our developer. I will inform you if there is any update / progress regrading this issue.
I am still discussing this issue with our developer, I will inform you if there is any update or progress regarding this issue.
From my understanding, since Sharepoint environment is a deployment environment you will need to use RunTimeLicense key. Without RunTImeLicense key the control will be regarded as unlicensed.
In file system project the WebGrid will run because it will not need RunTimeLicense key in the development environment. Unfortunately, you will only recieve RunTimeLicense key after purchasing WebGrid 7.
Our WebValueList is intended for per column scenario, the WebValueList property is available in the Column object not in the Row object. In your scenario, per row, the WebValueList will not be appropriate.
In your case, you will need to manually translate the value during initialize row event handler
Attached is the sample I used to test the OPTGROUP and DroDownList item select upon entering WebGrid edit mode.
My test show the code will run without any issue. The Undecided option will be initially selected upon entering the cell for the first time.
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