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It seems VirtualPageSize property will be used to determine the number of rows to be exported under certain scenario, as mentioned in this thread.
A bug report has been submitted for this issue.
Thank you for the modified sample and steps to replicate the issue. I have sucessfuly replicate the issue in our environment using the modified sample. A bug report has been sent to our developer.
We will inform you if there is any update regarding this issue.
Unfortunately, WebScheduler do not have any Resize or DragDrop event handler. However, for your scenario you could utilise the OnBeforeEdit client side event handler, the event will be invoked after resize or drag drop operation. You could abort the resize or drag drop by returning false in the event handler.
You are missing the obJect relations from the BindToHierchicalCustomObject.aspx sample. In your case, you will need to use the outbound mode to define the object relations as detailed in the article "Outbound Mode" in the WebGrid documentations.
Attached is a simple sample of outbound mode scenario using LINQ object.
If you would like to try CommonLibrary deployment, open your IIS Manager, add you project as an application (right click Default Web Site -> Add Application). You will also need to add the Intersoft common library folder (default location in C:\Program Files\Intersoft Solutions\WebUI Studio for ASP.NET\CommonLibrary ) as CommonLibrary virtual directory.
Have you used all the latest WebInput 4 and WebUI Framework 3 build? It is build 3 and build 752 respectively.
Attached is a simple sample using the WebGrid setting you are using. In the sample, I could not replicate the issue you are having.
From the screenshot, I suspect you are using an extra container for the WebGrid, what container did you use? Do you mind sharing a sample / modifying the attached sample?
I have no issue on my end using the attached sample code. What is the javascript error you encounter? Have you tried using CommonLibrary instead of SmartWebResources to try to solve the issue? Which WebInput 4 and WebUIFramework 3 build are you using?
Does the issue still occurs when using the HTML doctype? In the UnboundCombo sample you attached earlier by using HTML doctype, the issue is resolved.
The original doctype in the sample:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html>
It seems that WebPaneManager has not support XHTML doctype. If you are using WebPaneManager and WebCombo, please use HTML doctype. Here is the snippet:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ><html>
If the interface raise an event when an update occured, you could invoke the ClearCache ISDataSource table function during the event handler.
If no event is raised, my suggestion would be to invoke the DataBind periodically after some time has passed, for example every 1 minute, in order to have the latest data. The solution will be similar with this thread, however you will need to invoke the data bind periodically
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