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Glenn Layaar Support
of 99
Posted: June 20, 2010 10:03 PM

We have an article regarding support for MVC in WebUI Studio control that you could read in our blog.

As an alternative you could use the same CssStyle as the row style you wish to preserve. Try using a DOM inspector to check which style is applied to the unselected row, such as Firebug in Firefox or Developer Tools in IE8.


Posted: June 18, 2010 2:49 AM

I Still could not open the attached database. However, based on my analysis of the project I believe the issue is caused because you did not bind the required ReminderTimeSpanField attribute in the RecurringEventsBinding property. In your project dataset, you already have ReminderTimeSpan field under RecurringEvents table.

Here is the snippet:

<RecurringEventsBinding AllDayEventField="AllDayEvent" CategoryIDField="CategoryID"
DescriptionField="Description" EndTimeField="EndTime" EventIDField="ID" ExceptionDateField="ExceptionDate"
ExceptionInfoField="ExceptionInfo" LocationField="Location" ModeField="Mode"
ParentIDField="ParentID" RecurrenceIDField="RecurrenceID" ResourceIDField="ResourceID"
StartTimeField="StartTime" SubjectField="Subject" ReminderTimeSpanField="ReminderTimeSpan" />

I have discuss the issue with my colleague Yudi, who handle the thread listed. He mention that the above issue has not been solved and Alex H has not replied to us since his last post in the thread or through email.

Perhaps we could try to replicate the issue in our environment to investigate the issue further. Do you mind sharing the enviroment detail you are using to install the product? You already mention that you are using Windows Server 2008 SP2 with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, is it the 64 bit version or the 32 bit one? 

Posted: June 17, 2010 10:46 PM

Under such scenario, we suggest using paging for large data handling. We have some article in our blog regarding such scenario, article #1 and article #2

Using css class as you proposed is the correct way to remove the selected row style. In my test, the different between the selected and unselected row style is the style attribute appended in the cell element. In order to remove the selected style you will need to define an empty css class so the style attribute will be an empty string. The DummyCSS snippet:

<style type="text/css">
.DummyCSS{ }

We do not have anymore idea of what could cause the error message if you have already have .NET framework 2.0 installed and run the installer as adminstrator. Have you tried running the installer on another machine, does it also reproduce the same issue?  

Posted: June 17, 2010 12:08 AM

A workaround if you would like to use classic paging would be to retrieve the filtered row count during InitializePostBack server side event handler and invoke javascript function to render the information. Here is the snippet, the client side snippet will try to render a new TD element in the WebGrid status bar:

//Server code
protected void wgTest_InitializePostBack(object sender, PostbackEventArgs e)
switch (e.Action)
case "ColumnFilter":
int filterCount = ((System.Data.DataTable)(wgTest.DataSource)).DefaultView.Count;
wgTest.ClientAction.InvokeScript("RenderFilterCount", new FunctionParameter[] { new FunctionParameter(filterCount.ToString(), "string")});
//Client side code
function RenderFilterCount(count)
var grid = ISGetObject("wgTest");
var customStat = document.getElementById("tdCustomStat_" + grid.Id);

if (customStat)
customStat.getElementsByTagName("div")[0].innerHTML = "Filtered row: " + count;
var statBar = grid.GetElement(WG40.STATUSBAR, WG40.HTMLCELL);

var filterCountDiv = document.createElement("div");
filterCountDiv.innerHTML = "Filtered row: " + count;

var filterCountDivCont = document.createElement("td");
filterCountDivCont.setAttribute("id", "tdCustomStat_" + grid.Id);
filterCountDivCont.setAttribute("noWrap", "nowrap");

var sepElem = statBar.nextSibling;

sepElem.parentNode.insertBefore(filterCountDivCont, sepElem);
sepElem.parentNode.insertBefore(sepElem.cloneNode(true), filterCountDivCont);

In Our WebGrid Sharepoint WhitePaper it is said you will need to register WebGrid assemblies to the GAC. However, besides WebGrid assemblies you will also need to register WebUI Framework assemblies to the GAC. The Framework assemblies are:

- ISNet.dll
- ISNet.WebUI.dll
- ISNet.WebUI.Resources.dll

Posted: June 16, 2010 10:36 PM

The ChartImageProcessing event handler could not be used if you wish to add the data or category in the drop zone. You will need to use the Page_Load event handler.

If the ActionName conditional does not work you could try checking if the data or category is already available in the collection and if not add it to the collection. Here is the snippet:

    Sub page_load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If wgTest.ChartCategoryCollection.Exists("Interest") = False Then
wgTest.ChartCategoryCollection.Add(New ChartPivotFilterConfig() With {.DataMember = "Interest"})
wgTest.ChartDataCollection.Add(New ChartPivotDataConfig() With {.DataMember = "ID"})
End If
End Sub
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