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Based on my discussion with the developer, this issue could occur if you have to many assembly references for your project.
However, in my test you could click the Show Advanced Properties link and set the Control ID from the advance interface to achieve the same result.
Tried uploading the image in Firefox 3.6.8 and IE 8 ~5 times each, all uploaded successfully without any issue. Which WebTextEditor and WebUI Framework build are you using? Please try to update you build to the latest one if you have not done so.
Based on the screenshot you supplied, it seems you are using our WebGrid control, if you would like to create a treeview like structure from a single table, you could use the WebGrid self reference feature. The self reference feature also already support load on demand scenario as demonstrated in the sample SelfRef_LoadOnDemandChildRetrieval.aspx which available on the provided WebGrid sample.
In order for the GetCachedDataSource to have a value, you will need to bind the data using InitializeDataSource server side event. Even if you are using ObjectDataSource, under such scenario, the GetCachedDataSource already returned the dataview object.
Here is the InitializeDataSource event handler:
protected void WebGrid1_InitializeDataSource(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs e){ e.DataSource = ObjectDataSource1.Select();}
In We Grid 7, you will need to set the WebGrid column ColumnType to custom in order to render HTML code. Here is the snippet for the Tick column:
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Name="Tick" ColumnType="Custom" Caption=" " Width="30px"></ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn>
Based on your description, I think you are trying to use load on demand so initially not all data is loaded in WebTreeView. If that so, we already provided a load on demand sample in the AdvancedLoadOnDemand.aspx and BasicLoadOnDemand.aspx
My test also replicate the issue you are reporting. It seems the issue is caused by a bug and a bug report has been logged for this issue.
Do you mind explaining in more detail regarding the issue you are facing or the scenario your are trying to achieve? I am not quite clear about the issue you are facing based on your brief description.
You could try using multiple div with fixed width and eval keyword to achieve your scenario. Here is the snippet the I come up during my test for this scenario:
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Name="View_WebGridColumn" EditType="NoEdit" ColumnType="Template" Caption="Custom View" Width="200px"> <CellTemplate> <div style="width:148px; float:left; line-height: 20px; height: 20px; overflow:hidden; border-right: solid 1px #add1ff; padding-left:2px;"><%# Eval("ProductName") %></div> <div style="width:48px; float:left; line-height: 20px; height:20px; padding-left:2px;"><%# Eval("UnitPrice") %></div> </CellTemplate> <CellStyle> <Padding Bottom="0px" Left="0px" Right="0px" Top="0px" /> </CellStyle></ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn>
Set the div width so it will fill all the column width. We must also set the div height to match the column height and finally set the cell padding to 0.
I could not replicate the issue on my environment using the jpg image file from the windows Sample Pictures folder. Have you tried using the sample pictures provided by the microsoft to replicate the issue? Do you mind sending us the jpg file you are using for your test that could cause the issue? That way our developer could investigate the issue further.
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