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George Brandes Member
of 4

Thanks, please let me know when the hotfix is available.

Posted: October 15, 2009 10:09 PM

I'm still waiting (15 days) for this and the other WebInput bug i reported to be fixed.

These bugs are show stoppers so could someone PLEASE get these bugs fixed.

Posted: October 14, 2009 10:01 PM

this bug still happens in WebInput 215 and WebUI 704.

so i'm still dead in the water.

please get this fixed.


I can't find the hotfix.

Posted: October 6, 2009 10:21 PM

i've added an example 4 to fpbtest9. See the attached file. 

in this example the WebInput with the date loses its mask after you click Btn 4. When you click the button again there is a trap in client code.

Posted: October 6, 2009 6:19 PM

in VB the code is:


I'm not marking this answered until someone can tell me where this is explained in the
Intersoft documentation.

Also, I'm still investigating why one WebCombo loses its style causing the dropdown arrow
to be displayed as a "6".
Posted: September 20, 2009 10:52 PM


i would like to see this sample where

1. one of the textboxes is a webInput

2. there is a webButton that has the same function as the textbutton.


Posted: September 3, 2009 9:37 PM


I'm not making progress. I tried your suggestion but the selected row is not selected on the client.

Here's what i tried.

created a gid with a button in column 1 that is used to select the row and a couple of columns of data.

Clicked a button and on the server side added 1 to the selected row index.

On the client side i expected the row below the one that i clicked to be selected. The ">" is still on the row that I clicked.

Code in button click looks like this

Dim Selection as SelectObject = WebGrid1.RetrieveClientLastSelectedObjecct()

WebGrid1.RootTables.Rows(Selection.RowIndex + 1).Selected = True

the  grid button is autopostback onthefly so i've refreshed the WebGrid1 but there is no change in the selected row.

Do you have a sample? Thanks

Posted: September 2, 2009 10:08 PM


I don't see this on the server side.


Posted: September 1, 2009 8:21 PM


On the button bottom being clipped.

One would assume that if i use the defaultstyle the row would display correctly. That is the font would be sized to fit; buttons would fit; etc.

You need to rethink this.

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