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George Brandes Member
of 4
Posted: December 6, 2009 11:59 PM

When will that be? I might as well take vacation until that happens. We can't release our product unitl this an other bugs are fixed.

Posted: December 6, 2009 11:56 PM

Is that true? I don't see this happening with VS controls. If it didthen everytime a page loaded that had a control (e.g. GridView) it would load. This could cause a serious delay as the GridView is loaded with maybe millions of useless records.

Posted: December 2, 2009 11:58 PM

Has this bug been fixed. i'm using 216 and it still happens.

Also, are you planning to do anything about how months and dates are scrolled. I sent in an attachment on how i think it should work. that is it should be the same as how MS does it. Scrolling the month shouldn't affect the date, scrolling the date shouldn't affect the month and so on. 



Sorry i replied to the wrong post.

Posted: December 2, 2009 11:37 PM


I have no problem getting the WebButton click event to work. It's that when the page loads the LinqDataSource_OnSelecting fires. This select is totally useless since the webGrid won't be displayed until the WebButton is clicked and the data retrieved has no meaning to the user.

i think i have PostInputControls = true but i'll check again.


Has the hotfix been released?

Posted: December 2, 2009 8:44 PM

for the sample use the Ten Most Expensive products stored procedure that is in NorthWind. I don't know if i have the name correct but it is easy to find.

Posted: December 1, 2009 9:46 AM


Please have them check the use of a stored procedure, too.


Posted: November 2, 2009 2:36 PM



I'm using WebUIStudion 2008 R2 and i'm having the same problem. I've been told to use the 2009 installer but can't find it.




It's been almost a month since i reported this critical bug. Since this bug has been introduced into IS we have been basicaly out of business . We can't continue QA or do any development.

Please, please release the hot fix!!!!!!!!!

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