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Dicky S Support
of 8
Posted: October 1, 2009 4:39 AM

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for you sample, I can reproduce the issue now. I've forward this issue to our dev team regarding this issue, I will inform back to you as soon as I get news from our dev team. Thanks for your report.

Best Regards,


Posted: October 1, 2009 3:52 AM

Hi Michael,

I'm sorry, but could you explain about your last statement saying that it is only works when the column name of the primary and foreign keys are identical? And also I can't found theard [IS-C554F370-167F-4097-9B9E-10502BBF3264]. Did you post it on our TDN?

It would be easier if you could send a simple sample that showing your scenario.

Best Regards,


Posted: September 30, 2009 5:46 AM

Hi Mark,

I just uploaded new file zip. the sample doesn't contain bin folder you need to add the Bin folder and also add the dlls needed manually.

Best Regards,


Posted: September 29, 2009 11:57 PM

Hi Jonathan,

I've checked the attached sample, but since the sample need your Business Object then I start to create a new simple sample for you that should be similar with your scenario.
So far I check everything is okay, you can put breakpoint on ISDS_Selecting and or ISDS_Selected event in order to check whether ISDS called those events twice or not.

Hope this helps. I really appreciate if you able to modify my sample to reproduce the issue.

PS: I used northwind.mdb as database for the sample.

Best Regards,


Posted: September 29, 2009 10:52 PM

Okay, since you said if you still experience the issue. I have attached full sample project that I have modified from yours. Hope this helps.

Posted: September 28, 2009 10:37 PM

Hi Jerry,

In your case are you registered smart webresources? Could you send your web.config to me?

NOTE : Please change your Runtime License Key with xxxxxxx to avoid your runtime license key being used with other person.

Best Regards,


Posted: September 28, 2009 10:31 PM

Hi Mark,

I have checked your sample again, and I found the easiest way to solve the issue, since you are redirect to directory "Secure" when authenticate process passed then you just need to authenticate directory "Secure". You can manage it by add this settings on your web.config:

<location path="Secure">
deny users="?"/>

For more detail I have uploaded the modified web.config for you. Hope this helps.

[Edit attachment by Dicky]


Posted: September 28, 2009 10:00 PM

Yes, it is possible to have linked WebCombo in WebGrid. Please make sure if you have set property EditType="WebComboNET" and WebComboID to your WebComboID that you want to integrate with WebGrid.

I suggest you to check the Linked WebCombo separated with WebGrid first, after everything is okay you can try to integrate it to your WebGrid.

Hope this helps.

Posted: September 28, 2009 9:32 PM

Hi Duane,

Please check on your project bin folder, are there ISNet.dll, ISNet.WebUI.dll, ISNet.WebUI.WebResources.dll, and ISNet.WebUI.[ISProductsThatYouUsed].WebResources.dll? If not, please add those assemblies. The explanation is, on your development machine you must install our suite which mean ISNet.dll, and ISNet.WebUI.dll are registered on GAC (C:\Windows\assembly). While on Deployment machine you don't need to install our suite, that's why you need to copy those assemblies on your bin folder.

Hope this helps.

Posted: September 27, 2009 11:33 PM

Hi Mark,

Could you confirm if this issue only happens when you haven't login/authenticated your Form?
I've checked your sample and it seems if the error only occurs when I haven't pressed button "Click to Login".

I also checked it using Firebug and I found if some resources needed for WebMenu are redirected as it didn't pass the authentication. So you need to make exception for ISRes.axd file from your FormAuthentication. Please find attached screenshot for more detail infomation.

Best Regards,


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