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Douglas Badin Member
of 11
Posted: January 17, 2011 3:24 PM


I have had to choose another option for my requirment so 2011 R2 would be OK.


Posted: January 13, 2011 6:15 PM


If the web page has more than one WebFileUploaders, in the WebGrid row or not in the WebGrid Row, the following Client Side Mesasage pops up, "Unable to initialize file uploader!".

To reproduce, use the WebTextEditorSamples, WebFileUploader/BatchUpload.aspx and put a 2nd WebFileUploader on the page (Just copy the first one).


Posted: January 12, 2011 7:13 PM


I want to be able to save the file name uploaded for the row in the record for that row.




Is there a way to allow Multiple Files to be Selected in the "Chose File to Upload" Dialog Box?

The user may have hundreds of files to upload and this way they don't have to keep clicking the Select Button hundreds of times.




Great, you have reproduced the issue I am asking about.

It would take a long time to get you to implement the customized security using the web.sitemap.

As in my intial post, other GETs are from the root

/NewCoServices/ISRes.axd G/wg5_calendar.gif
/NewCoServices/ISRes.axd G/wg_currow.gif

Please do discuss this with the developers.

Is there a way to change this behavior?

If not, what other controls use the current directory to GET ISRes.axd?




Of course it runs for you, you don't have the same security I do.

I am running HTTP.

I am running SmartWebResources.

Did you even look in the IIS Log?

Again, "Is it looking for "ISRes.axd G/ISCalendar.htm" in the sub directory where you put your example?"

Please provide your IIS log file so I can show you.



Your example also has the same problem.

To reproduce:

- Put you example in a sub directory.

- Run your sample

- Open the IIS Log

- Search for "ISRes.axd G/ISCalendar.htm"

Is it looking for "ISRes.axd G/ISCalendar.htm" in the sub directory where you put your example?

If so, why?

Other ISRes.axd GETs are from the root of the application.

Why is the CalendarCombo/Dropdown the only one using the current directory (sub directory)?


I have my application locked down for security purposes.  Every page must be in the Web.sitemap. 

The way it is behaving now, I have to add ISRes.axd in every directory where the CalendarCombo/Dropdown is used.



Posted: December 22, 2010 12:45 PM


That works.



Posted: December 17, 2010 7:27 AM


That will not work for my situation.

Changing the DIV Style has the same impact as changing the BODY Style.  While if helps the WebGrid Pop Ups, it makes everything outside the WebGrid have Black Text.

I need something with a WebGrid Scope and not a Global Scope.

Also, it did nothing to help the EditTypes CalendarCombo and CalendarDropdown.


Posted: December 16, 2010 12:27 PM


This is also a problem with the Context menu for valid UI elements that  is invoked by Right Clicking on a row.

All the items have White Text:

- Add New Row
- Copy this Cell
- Copy this Row
- Copy this Table
- Edit
- Delete
- Refresh Grid
- Show Client Help

I tried putting the WebGrid in the following DIV but it did not help the pop ups.

<style type="text/css">  
	COLOR: White;
	COLOR: Black;

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <div class="Black">

Putting it in a table instead of a <div> with the cell having a Black Class <td class="Black"> did not help.


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