User Profile & Activity

Arief Handany Member
of 20

Hi Giridhar,

I need to confirm your scenario:

  • Multiple Picker bind to Category which include Sub Category and Team Detail when chosen
  • A several single picker bind to each of them (Category, Sub Category, and Team Details)
  • Multiple Picker to Category which when picked reveals choice based on category you choose
Is it one of them that you want to achieve?

Posted: November 18, 2015 3:57 AM

Hi Raych,

yes it is only occured in chinese language, and i can confirmed and already reported this to our developer under CROS-966

Hope that will helps!
Best regards


Posted: November 13, 2015 3:30 AM

Hi Raych,

Could I know which sample or project template did you use? iOS 9 should have no bug like that base on our internal testing.

Hi Jimmy,

I think I don't get the scrambling value, except one issue which are sometimes when I modify the value for at least 4 items, the top item OldQty already changed into NewQty even though I not yet saved.

There is the reason that I think why this happened which like what you said which in my case caused by only having 1 Qty. The best practices if you have two Field to handle NewQty and OldQty, is actually from servers.

Here are my solutions it is rather crude but the logic actually very simple, I just send you three files where I change things

Hi Cristobal

Did you mean it won't work in iOS?

I will check it and report back to you.

Hi Jyothish,

I will also write, so people who want to build their own Sync can find the solutions here:

Based from your sample that I check there are three problems:

  1. You need two more permission in Android ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE & CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE (Normally you also need INTERNET permission but usually already generated by our template).
  2. Your ModifiedDate must be NOT Nullable so you must update that in your database, after that you need to delete your Account (because you want to Sync it) in EDMX and add it again. Then right click and run custom tools in each .tt files.
  3. You forget to change your IP in your AppService I presume, you need to change it according to your WebAPI (in this project is YourIP:WebAPIPort).

How do I check:
Server Side:
  1. Run your WebAPI and browse to your IP:Port, check whether there is error by navigating to Object you want synchronize for example IP:Port/data/YourProject/ObjectName.
  2. In the example above I know that you don't have ModifiedDate in your database from error message in WebAPI, but you have it in your DomainModel. So what I need to do is add the ModifiedDate in your Database.
  3. Problem number 3 can be easily checked if you can't browse to YourIP:WebAPIPort from your phone/simulator.

Client Side:
  1. It will be easier to debugging if you add our Intersoft.AppFramework Project in your project (no difference with .dll version), almost all the process handled by AppFramework so you can build your project easier.
  2. Start by checking and putting in breakpoints in SynchronizeData() inside ModelServices/SynchronizationRestRepository.cs and SynchronizeDataAsync() inside Services/SynchronizationService.cs from your Intersoft.AppFramework.
  3. In the example above, the process stop at reachabilityService.GetConnectionStatus() != NetworkConnectionStatus.NoConnection even though our Internet is working perfectly, that's the problem number 1.
  4. In the problem number 2 actually the breakpoint lead us to other files which are Extensions/IEntityExtensions.cs, as you can see you can't have empty or null ModifiedDate because ModifiedDate is mandatory for Synchronization.
  5. There is actually one more place to check in Client which is OnDataSynchronized() which is a method from DataListViewModelBase
Hope that will helps!

Hi Jimmy,

here is the solutions: you can simply add WindowSoftInputMode = SoftInput.AdjustPan in your activity like this:

[ImportBinding(typeof(ItemListBindingProvider))][Activity(Label = "My Inventory", LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTop, Icon = "@drawable/icon", WindowSoftInputMode = SoftInput.AdjustPan)]
public class ItemListActivity : ListActivity<ItemListViewModel>

This is actually a bug from Android as you can see here:

Hi Jimmy,

Ah very sorry,  I remember which bug it is, let me check the solutions.

Hi Jimmy,

Here is how to fix it, please add the attached files in YourProject.Android, and change the build options of that files into LinkDescription

I also attach the screen shot. I think this is caused because  we choose Link SDK assemblies only, it ignore the Linq files, however, we need to use Link SDK only to reduce size.

Hope that will helps!

Glad it helps! please do inform us if there are a problem with the samples.

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