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Andre DeMattia Member
of 8
Posted: December 20, 2011 1:37 PM

Ok thanks. I can't wait.  Do you know when this will be done? I'd like to move forward on SL5.

Posted: December 20, 2011 1:35 PM

HI, yes I have SL 4 and 5. I upgraded from 4 to 5 and I also did a full uninstall of R1 and install of the R2 for intersoft tools.

Posted: September 20, 2011 9:53 AM

Thanks Jimmy, this is great news. I'm glad I will be able to continue to use these awesome tools.

I will be upgrading my applications to Silverlight 5 on day one J.

One note about WinRT, Microsoft is making a mistake not allowing Silverlight work on ARM and not allowing it to be part of the Metro desktop, from my understanding they will be calling Silverlight legacy, so by that account If I want to publish anything to their market I must use WinRT.  Silverlight won’t work on ARM nor will it be allowed in the market place.  I have no interesting in using the metro style for the GUI, but Metro Style meaning WinRT.


Thanks again,



Posted: February 11, 2011 10:10 AM

Hi, Neither FindName or FindNameDeep works, i get null back, but I will use the MVVM way.  I didn't want to do all that work for just 1 control, but I will.




Posted: February 2, 2011 11:14 PM

Thank you, that worked

Posted: February 2, 2011 7:20 AM

HI,  I did look for the WPF template that looked like the silverlight one's but didn't find them so I created this one from scrach.  I do see 2 templates, next time i'll try them.


as for selecting the .exe, I did try the .exe but i get an error message.

See attached.


Should i start over and use the Intersoft template?

Posted: January 31, 2011 7:23 AM

Hello Yes this is for the development computer.

I have all my keys registered.  The problem is when i click "Play" on Visual studio I get a messeage saying this is  evaluation Version.  I have added licenses.islicx to the root and made it embedded, but I do not know where to point "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intersoft Solutions\ClientUI 4\WPF\LicenseManager\Intersoft.ClientUI.Licensing.v4.exe".  It's asking for a "selecta  silverlight/Wpf applation assembly"  In silverllight I point to the applicationname.DLL, in wpf I pointed it to the .exe and i get an error.


So the question is, on a wpf application what is the assembly?  Since the application is a single form with no .DLL's other then Microsoft's and Intersofts, what is the path to point to?


Attached is the application, please tell me how to License this application.




Posted: January 28, 2011 9:43 AM

Hi yes thank you, I will edit the Template when I'm ready to change the Apple-Style indicator, I don't like apple :)

Posted: January 28, 2011 7:54 AM

hmm, might be a Blend issue.  If it matters I started my application out using one of your templates..  That is Ok, since I can still do work in the xmal it's not a big deal.


My suggestion for the Icon was, the Busy Indicator Icon is a round circle, I suggested making that Icon a property so you could change it without having to edit the template, I would assume this would be a very common thing for someone to change but that isn't a big deal either.

Posted: January 27, 2011 10:43 AM

Hi I have the updated version r2 refresh and I have updated all my controls.  Per what I see i'm using 4.0.500.3 NOT  4.0.5000.2.


I have attached a little video.


While i'm talking about UXbusy ind... how about letting me choose the Icon without having to dig into the template?

 I would love to see a Icon property, I'm not too big on the default icon and I am not ready to dig into the templete to figure out where I need to change it.





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