In case you missed the news, we just released Premier Studio 2014 which shipped new features and enhancements to all our existing lineups, that is ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF as well as Mobile Studio. ASP.NET lineup received full support of the latest Internet Explorer and Visual Studio 2013 integration, and it continues to get enhancement which reduced the script output by 40%. For Silverlight, we have the most powerful reporting engine with best-in-class report designer, which delivers all the features you need to create beautiful and professional business reports with less time and less efforts. Finally, Crosslight 2 offers great business-oriented features including comprehensive data and entity services, offline support, data synchronization, timezone manager, authentication, push notifications and much more. See what's new in this 2014 R1 release.

Download your 30-days trial today and experience the new level of development with our tools. Feel free to leave comment or feedback if any.

Martin Lie
Enterprise Account Manager