Question about Editable Grids, ViewModels, and Repositories

1 reply. Last post: July 2, 2013 11:35 PM by Yudi
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Bill GowerMember

I have an app that has many UXGridViews. Most of them are read only. They are located on a UXPage and are used as a Locator grid for users to locate records they want to work on. For example I have an Employers List View which as text boxes and  drop downs in the upper part of the form and a grid in the bottom. They put in filter data and click find. The resulting rows are displayed in the gird. They can then click add or edit or delete. These are non editable grids. Or I have other child grids which have add, edit and delete buttons that display detail dialog boxes for the user to enter data and then the data is displayed in the read only grids.

Then I have editable grids. Maybe at the most i will have 10 to 15 editable grids.

 I notice that in your sample apps you have separate respositories for each class that uses a editable grid. 

I have almost 200 classes in my app, to many to have one repository for each class. but then the majority of them dont use editable grids. So I have all my creates, deletes, save, import and clearAll methods in one large repository.

What i am wondering is as i add editable grids to my app which I may at the most need about 10 to 15. For those grids, I will have a separate repository for the classes using those grids. So I will have one large Repository which will house the data calls for the majority of my classes and 10 to 15 repositories for the classes that will be hosted in editable grids.

If this the best approach?

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