QueryDescriptor and Navigation Properties

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William MaryMember

Should the querdescriptor work if we drill down through the navigation properties. For example:

 I have a schemawith a many to many relationship.


EmployeeID          *----* ClientID

FullName                          ClientName


So the Employee Entity should be:


| EmployeeID |

| FullName     |


| Clients         |



I should be able to write a query (Assuming intersoft style viewmodels for a grid) as such:

QueryDescriptor qd = _employeeViewModel.QueryDescriptor;
CompositeFilterDescriptorCollection employeeFilter = new CompositeFilterDescriptorCollection();
employeeFilter.LogicalOperator = FilterCompositionLogicalOperator.Or;
                    new FilterDescriptor()
                        PropertyName = "Clients.ClientID",
                        Operator = FilterOperator.IsEqualTo,
                        Value = 1
qd.FilterDescriptors.LogicalOperator = FilterCompositionLogicalOperator.Or;
It does not work and gives me a null reference exception. I am assuming it is because of the dependancy property being across a navigation property of the entity. Is there a way to accoplish this type of query. Right now I have to avaid using the query descriptor and accoplish this in the repository with a getdata method that accepts the ID to pass to linq.
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