Pressing DEL key in UXGridView edit mode fails

1 reply. Last post: October 17, 2011 10:35 PM by Handy Surya
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I get the following errormessage, if I press DEL key in edit mode:

Entity is currently being edited and has uncommitted changes. A call to BeginEdit must be followed by a call to EndEdit or CancelEdit before changes can be submitted.

reproducible test steps:
- select row and press F2 (or double click) to change in edit mode (in my case, I want edit "Line One" to "Line Two")
- I mark the word "One" and press DEL key (it works fine, if I use Back key instead DEL key)

Is edit mode not activ, it is very useful to press DEL key, if I want delete selected row. But in edit mode, I want delete marked word only!
How can I change this behavior?


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