Nested UXCallOuts

2 replies. Last post: July 5, 2011 4:48 AM by Dead Proxor
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Dead ProxorMember


I need to customize Menu using UXDesktopDock, UXDesktopDockButton and UXCallOut (UXCallOut is StackItem for UXDesktopDockButton menu).

But I have a problem when I use MouseLeaveAction="HidePopup" for UXCallOut – not only UXCallOut closes, but Stackmenu created by UXDesktopDockButton closes also (because in both cases the same class is used - UXPopup).

How can close only current UXCallOut?

Please, give me real working solution :)

Using ClientUI 5. ( version for Intersoft.Client.UI.Controls, as example 3.0.5000.1).


Code sample is below:

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
  	<Intersoft:UXDesktopDock x:Name="desktopDock">
    	<Intersoft:UXDesktopDockButton Icon="{StaticResource TestIcon}" StackDockPosition="Top" Text="Test" StackMode="GrigStyle" StackGridMode="DynamicGrid" StackTotalDisplayItem="0">
        <Intersoft:UXCallOut x:Name="SampleControl1" HideLatency="0.20" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" PreferredPosition="Bottom" SlideDirection="Down" DisplayAnimation="Slide" HideAnimation="Slide" Background="#FF404040" BorderBrush="Gray"
                             CornerRadius="0" Padding="0" MouseLeaveAction="HidePopup">
                <DropShadowEffect Direction="300"/>
                <Intersoft:UXStackItem Text="My button or another element" Icon="{StaticResource TestIcon1}" Height="48"/>
            <ContentControl Foreground="White">
                    <StackPanel Intersoft:DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="0">
                        <Intersoft:UXStackItem Text="My button or another element" Icon="{StaticResource TestIcon1}" Height="48"/>
                        <Intersoft:UXStackItem Text="My button or another element" Icon="{StaticResource TestIcon1}" Height="48"/>
                        <Intersoft:UXStackItem Text="My button or another element" Icon="{StaticResource TestIcon1}" Height="48"/>


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