Enhancement: Added ability to customize WebScheduler's callout content.
The editing dialog box will refer to custom editing form when the dialog box is first opened (#633).
The scroll position in Timeline view is now persisted after RefreshAll function is invoked (#500).
Enhancement: Supports medium trust hosting permission.Enhancement: Support single quotes for ResourceName in WebScheduler (#439).
Events can now be displayed properly when daylight saving is enabled.
Error will not occur when users input Start time value in built-in editing form.
Enhancement: Added OnConfirmationShow client-side event that will be invoked when the confirmation box is being shown.Enhancement: Reduce duplicate event binding process during onload.
Enhancement: All built-in images used in WebScheduler's css class can now be displayed properly whether or not SmartWebResources are enabled.
Enhancement: Calendar event's data will now be selected only when MarkedDayWithEvents is set to True.
Enhancement: Added GoToToday client-side API that is used to show today's date in WebScheduler.
WebScheduler is now displayed properly in Opera 10 browser when ShowWeekNumber property is set to False.
The holiday description is no longer truncated when it contains apostrophe sign.
New Scenario Supported: Support 12-hours format in built-in Editing Form, in addition to a 24-hours format. A new editing form template, EditingForm12H.aspx, is added to support this scenario.New Scenario Supported: Enhanced event positioning in Timeline view.
New Scenario Supported: Enhanced resize action in Opera 9.64.
New Scenario Supported: Support daylight saving in WebScheduler.
Enhancement: The default value of TimeFormat property in ViewSettings is now set to Format24Hours.
Enhancement: Enhanced event rendering performance in enterprise scenario, especially in Timeline and Month view.
Enhancement: Supports multiple WebScheduler instances in a same page.
Enhancement: Rebind all WebScheduler objects during full postback action and prevent duplicate data.
Enhancement: Support cultures which include literal text in its formatted date.
Enhancement: Added OnPrepareExportExecute server-side event that will be called when export action is about to be invoked.
Enhancement: Added UseAgendaDetailsCollection property in ViewSettings - AgendaView. If this property is enabled, AgendaDetailsCollection will be used as the detail fields in Agenda view.
Enhancement: Added DisplayViewOnMyCalendarLink property in ViewSettings - AgendaView to determine whether the View on my calendar link is displayed in Agenda actions row.
Enhancement: Added OnConfirmationFormShow client-side event that will be invoked when confirmation form is about to be opened.
Enhancement: Added AddResourceText, AddCategoryText, and CallOutResourceFieldText properties in TextSettings that determines the text of callout title in the related callout.
Enhancement: Added OnInitialize client-side event that will be invoked when WebScheduler is being initialized.
Enhancement: All cells in Month view are now displayed correctly when ShowWeekNumbers property is disabled.
Enhancement: Added exception handler when error is thrown from data operation actions.
Enhancement: Automatically adjusted font size in description area of each event if the row height value is greater than the default value.
Enhancement: Opening editing form now will not cause double postback actions in Mozilla Firefox.
Enhancement: Enhanced column header layout in Split view for larger resource data.
Any updates to Resource object via the editing form are now reflected to scheduler’s UI when the editing form is closed.
Multiple WebDialogBox instances in the same page with WebScheduler instance will not cause various UI/style issues and JavaScript errors.
In the built-in Editing Form, end date value is now adjusted automatically according to the start date value when user selects a date in the start date field.
Error will no longer occur if events in Week view are moved to another cell when it is previously updated using the built-in editing form.
Error will no longer occur when WorkWeek is activated and user clicks on the calendar.
Opening editing form in Month view will no longer cause all WebInputs disabled.
New Scenario Supported: Support Response.Redirect in FlyPostBack callback context. New Scenario Supported: OnDataBound server-side event is now invoked after RefreshAll method is invoked.
New Scenario Supported: WebScheduler can now be deployed in SSL environment without warning message.
Enhancement: Added SetCallOutWidth and SetCallOutHeight functions that are used to set the size of callout in WebScheduler.
Enhancement: Added DoResize client-side API that will perform resize action in WebScheduler.
Enhancement: Added DateHeaderMode property in ViewSettings-TimelineView category that specify the mode used in Timeline's date header.
Enhancement: Added OnCalendarCellClicked client-side event that will be invoked when a calendar date is clicked.
Enhancement: Fix memory leak issue when navigating in Timeline view.
Enhancement: Fix browser crash issue in Timeline view - DayHourly mode when WebScheduler is placed inside PlaceHoldeManager and the height is set to 100%.
Replace the smaller images that represent importance options in Editing Form, with the normal images.
The selected date in Day and Week views are not persisted after RefreshAll method is invoked.
Script error occurs when ResourceContentTemplate is set to Custom but the content template is not specified.
When non-english culture is enabled, the first day of week is always set as Sunday even though FirstDayOfWeek property is has been set to another value.
The container of Timeline view is not automatically adjusted when WebScheduler is placed inside a table and the browser is resized. In this case, WebScheduler is set to 100% height and 100% width.
After switching view, the size of WebScheduler is not automatically adjusted when the browser is resized. In this case, WebScheduler is set to 100% height and 100% width.
Several events in Timeline view are not rendered in daylight saving time.
In Month view, scheduler container is truncated when ShowWeekNumbers property is set to False.
New Scenario Supported: Added LayoutSettings-ShowImportanceImage property that determines whether or not the importance sign should be displayed in the events.When WebScheduler is placed inside a table and its width is set to 90% and Timeline view is enabled , the view could not be scrolled to the right-most area.
In month and week mode of Timeline view, the event tooltip always displays the third day of the active week.
When printing Agenda view, the agenda details are not included in the printed layout.
In Day15Minutes mode of Timeline view and and event is dragged and dropped so that the end time starts in the next day, the event will dissapear.
When WebScheduler is exported, the resources displayed as legend are duplicated.
When calendar is placed in a custom container, the timeline view area is not displayed correctly.
New Scenario Supported: Added some client side APIs to retrieve the start date and end date of Week and Month views. The new APIs are GetStartDateOfWeek, GetEndDateOfWeek, GetStartDateOfMonth, and GetEndDateOfMonth.New Scenario Supported: Added new client side events, OnBeforeViewSwitched and OnAfterViewSwitched, that will be invoked when the view mode is switched.
New Scenario Supported: Added DisableMove and DisableResize API in event object to specify whether or not a specific event is allowed to be moved or resized.
New Scenario Supported: Added new client side events, OnBackNavigation and OnForwardNavigation, that will be invoked when Back and Forward buttons (in scheduler and calendar) are clicked.
New Scenario Supported: Added AgendaDetailsCollection property to add custom fields in agenda detail section.
Enhancement: When DisableEdit is enabled in event object, the event will not be allowed to be moved, resized, or editted from callout or context menu.
FirstWeekOfYear property in CalendarSettings are not used to specify first week of year during onload and view navigation.
In Month view, More box is not displayed in the correct position when WebScheduler is placed inside an absolute-positioned container.
In Day, Week, and Month view, the width of events are not adjusted when the calendar is collapsed.
When enabled, AllowCollapse tab in view header is not persisted when the view is switched to SplitView mode.
New Scenario Supported: Exclude events where the resources do not have relation with the existing resources collection.Enhancement: Added OnEventSelected client side event, that will be invoked when an event is selected.
New Scenario Supported: Resources data operation are now reflected properly in Split View mode.
When resources are modified (added, update, or deleted) and OnEditingFormClose client side event is specified, the scheduler view is not automatically refreshed.
Enhancement: Compatibility with WebUI.NET Framework 3.0.5000.605.Enhancement: Enhanced TripleLoad mechanism.
New Scenario Supported: Prevents a same data request to be performed multiple times.
New Scenario Supported: Added OnMultipleCellSelected client side event that is invoked when multiple dates are selected.
New Scenario Supported: Added OnCellDoubleClicked client side event that is invoked when a cell is double clicked in Day, Week, Month and Timeline views.
New Scenario Supported: Added RefreshAll client side API to refresh whole scheduler, including Resources and Categories collection.
New Scenario Supported: Persist horizontal and vertical scrollbar during flypostback and navigation actions in Timeline view.
The original UI state of event is not aborted when returning false in OnBeforeEdit and OnBeforeDelete client side events.
Deleted exception-typed event are not persisted when navigating between scheduler views.
Unable to invoke OnEventBound client side event in Timeline view.
New Scenario Supported: Added OnCellSelected client side event that is invoked when a cell is selected.
New Scenario Supported: Added OnMultipleCellSelected client side event that is invoked when multiple dates are selected.When a specific resource is hidden and an event is dragged and dropped to the area of the hidden event, the hidden event will be displayed after updating process.
Error occurs when deleting all occurrences of a recurring event.
All-day event that occurs in non work day and has one day duration is incorrectly displayed in WorkWeek view.
New Scenario Supported: Full support for Google Chrome browser. New Scenario Supported: Quarter zoom-level in Timeline drilldown.
New Scenario Supported: Added four view modes in Timeline view: Month view, Week view, DayHourly, and Day15Minutes views.
New Scenario Supported: Supports multiple cell selection in Day, Week, Month, Timeline and SplitView mode.
New Scenario Supported: Displays date range of events and multiple cell selected in callout and built-in editing form.
New Scenario Supported: Displays date range of events in event detail of Agenda view.
New Scenario Supported: Selected resources are now automatically selected in callout and built-in editing form when user clicks in empty cell in timeline view.
New Scenario Supported: Added Tooltip property in Event object, which will be displayed as event's tooltip in Day, Week, Month and Timeline view mode.
New Scenario Supported: In built-in editing form, user can enlarge the Description textarea for broader view. Needs the latest EditingForm.aspx.
New Scenario Supported: In Insert, Update and Delete server side events, Type parameter is added to indicate which data table is being updated.
In built-in editing form, WebCombo's dropdown is incorrectly displayed when the container is scrolled.
Unsynchronized selected date between calendar and scheduler view will occur when clicking on calendar's cell when Timeline view is active.
The previous selected event is still highlighted when an empty cell is clicked in Timeline view.
Unable to see the dragged event in Timeline view when there are more than one event in a cell.
Unable to view events that starts and ends in different month when the work week view is activated.
Incorrect event rendering occurs when updating all day event that occurs at the end of the week.
When EmptyCellClickAction is set to ShowEditingForm, the editing form is displayed when right clicking all day event area.
Incorrect event rendering when navigating from Month view to Week view using the week header.
Script error occurs when clicking week header that only has outbound cells.
In Timeline view, the resources rows are shrinked after several cell selection.
In Timeline view, the events will be incorrectly rendered when resources are selected and unselected.
New Scenario Supported: Supports Decimal data type in WebScheduler.New Scenario Supported: Add OnEventBound client side event in Timeline view.
When AllowCreateEventInHoliday is set to False, user can still add event in holiday when the active view is Month view.
In Agenda view, events can still be editted and deleted eventhough DisableEdit and DisableDelete are set to False.
When placed inside a table cell, the content's height in Day and Week view is now adjusted to the container's height.